A morning

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This is when Kaneki was five mouths pregnant...

Hide's P.O.V.

I was off work today, so I get to spend time with Kaneki. I had already gotten up, took a shower, and got dressed. Kaneki was still asleep and snuggled into pillows and his own blanket. We have to have different blankets because Kaneki ends up taking all the blanket to keep himself warm, leaving me cold at night. He looked very comfortable.

I was going to make breakfast, when I went to wake him up. Because I wanted to know if he wanted anything specific, with his cravings and all. I kneeled beside the bed and gently rubbed his arm.

"Hey, wake up." I said before he groaned. His eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Why'd you wake me up?" He said in a tried voice with a little pout. He did close his eyes again.

"I was going to make breakfast and wanted to know if you wanted anything."


"Waffles?" I questioned.

"Waffles." He repeated.

"I thought you were a pancake person before becoming a ghoul."

"I was but the baby is wanting waffles."

"Do you remember where the waffle maker is?"

"In one of the kitchen cabinets, I think. Most likely one of the bottom ones."

"Okay, I'll be back with your waffles. You can sleep for now."

"Alright." He said before snuggling his face back into the pillow. He also covered his mouth with the blanket. I moved his bangs before I kissed him on the head. Then I went downstairs and into the kitchen. I found the waffle maker and started to make breakfast. I ate my waffles as I made his.

Once his waffles were done, I put them on a plate. I did get some syrup before going upstairs. I opened the door and Kaneki was still asleep. He looked so cute with covering himself with blanket up to his mouth, and snuggling his face in the pillow. I sat next to his bedside and started to rub his arm. He groaned before I rubbed his back. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me with a tired and confused expression.

"Your waffles are done." I said.

"Oh, Thank you." He said before sitting up. I had to help him a little. I handed him his plate and he started to eat. I know it tastes bad to him, but I guess he's gotten used to it because he has to feed the baby. When he was done, I took his plate and put it on the bedside table. I sat next him and let him lean against me. He laid his face into the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arm around him and kissed him on the head.

"I don't deserve you. You're so sweet to bring me breakfast in bed." He said.

"I do it because I love you."

"Yeah, me or the baby?"

"Both, but I did it for you first."

"I really want to kiss you." He said as he looked up at me.

"Then kiss me." I said before he put his hand on my cheek and kissed me. He pulled away after a little bit. "I have to go clean up, but you can lay in bed for a little longer."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too." I said before I kissed him again. I stood up and let him lay on his back. He covered himself up with the blanket as I got the dirty plate. I went downstairs and started to clean up the kitchen. I was cleaning the dishes when I heard footsteps and a yawn behind me. I turned my head to look behind me. It was Kaneki, his hair was a mess and he was starching his arms in the air. I dried my hands with the towel as Kaneki let out a little groan.

"What is it?" I asked as I put the towel on the counter.

"The baby just kicked." He said as he rubbed a spot on his five mouth baby bump.

"I wanna feel!" I said as I walked to him before I put my hand on the spot he was rubbing. Kaneki put his hands on my shoulders. After a while I felt the baby kick. "I felt that one!"

"You're like a little kid." He said before cupping my cheeks. "I aways feel them kick, and it hurts a little. I'm like their punching bag."

"No, you're not. They're probably just moving around a little. Trying to get comfy."

"Yeah, they kick me everyday and night. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to their kicks."

"Why not wake me up? I could try to help you out."

"You always have work the next day, I don't want you to become sleep deprived because our kid kicked me."

"Okay, you have a point." I said before kissing him again. Then I got on my knees. Kaneki didn't stop me because he knows what I'm going to do. I lifted his shirt enough to show his stomach. I put a light kiss on his stomach. Kaneki ruffled my hair before I stood up. And I leaned my forehead against his. I had my hands on his stomach and he had his hands on my shoulders again.

"Do want to take a bath?" I asked

"Why can't I take a shower?"

"I don't want you to slip and fall."

"Okay, I guess I'll take a bath. Do you want to join me?"

"No, I took a shower before you woke up." I said before he made a pouty face. It was making him cute and hard to say no to. "Okay fine, I guess I can get extra clean."

"Yay! You're going to have to fix the bath because I can barely bend down."

"I'm okay with that. You can go get a clean pair of clothes while I do that."

"Okay." He said before we started to walk upstairs. I walked behind him and kept a hand on his lower back. He had a hand on the wooden railing and his other hand on the wall. When we got upstairs, he went to our bedroom and I went to the bathroom. I bent down next to the tub and turned on the water. I made sure the water was warm enough before filing up the tub with water.

Kaneki came in a little later with some clothes in his arms. He got out of his sweat pants and my shirt that he was wearing. He also got out of his boxers and black cloth. I helped him into the tub by holding his hand and keeping a hand on his back. Once he was in the tub, I started to get my clothes off, which was a long sleeved shirt, jeans, and boxers. I sat in the tub, behind Kaneki. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek as he put his hands on my arms. Then I nuzzled my nose into his neck.

"I love you." I mumbled into his neck.

"I love you too." He said before kissing me on the head.

Time skip~~

Me and Kaneki were sitting on the couch. We had eaten lunch. We were watching a movie now, but we weren't really paying attention to it. I was laying my head on Kaneki's shoulder and had a hand on his stomach. He had both his hands on his stomach. I was wearing the clothes I was wearing before I took a bath with him. He was wearing a blue sweater and jeans. I had taken him to the store weeks ago to get better fitting clothes. He had a emotional breakdown/mood swing in the changing room because he thought he was really fat. I was able to comfort him and told him he was perfect the way he was. I also told him to think about buying clothes for me but his style, because he can fit into my clothes no problem. And he wouldn't have another emotional breakdown.

We sat there cuddling for awhile, until the baby kicked.

"Ow." Kaneki mumbled out.

"There they are." I said before Kaneki put his hand under my chin and made me look at him. I was about to say something when he leaned in to lay his head in the crook of my neck. He nuzzled his nose there before sighing.

"I love you." He said before I wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you too." I said before kissing him on the head.

Words: 1446
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