Chapter 29 Bringing Hope

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We moved our stone seats behind us and got comfy in the blankets while Hikari began telling her story of the past. The sun had set and the bugs began to make noise. The first of the stars started to appear. The moon was still low in the sky, not yet seen behind the trees and hills. We kept the fire going with more wood. The waves started to slow down, only a whisper now in the distance. The lights to the houses around us started to go out for the night. 

Everyone listened closely when I began my story.

"I had a peaceful life with my friends at Sand Dune City. We grew up playing around the star pools. Except, that time, Keyblades were a big part of our lives. Unlike the fake world they had created when magic didn't exist. One day we had heard word of a school for Keyblade wielders.  Everyone gathered their kids near the trains. When I said goodbye to my mother, I knew, something was going on in her mind. I had no choice but to leave her, to make her proud. Hoshi and Hato came with me, so at least I had them. We left in the morning and didn't arrive until sunset. To Daybreak Town."

All staring, wondering what was my past.

"But when I got off the train, I felt like someone was staring at me. I felt it ever since we got on the train. So I turned around to see a boy.... He had this light around him, like no once else. He smiled at me. Like, we've always been friends. Though this was the first time I had ever seen him... That was how I met Pyua." I spoke.

Everyone was staring so intently at me now. Listening to my story.

"He is untraceable. He is so pure that the darkness cannot track him... In the beginning he was trying to warn me. The voices that I heard were from him, trying to help me. I couldn't even recognize his voice. I completely forgot him because those memories were taken away. Because he held the secret of purity. To always be the light and, darkness can never taint you... I started to notice things and wake up from my life of lies. Then throughout my journey, I always felt like I was forgetting something so important. But it wasn't just my friends, I forgot about him. That's why, I never felt whole even when I did get them back."

The content of the story became serious. There was much more to it, but I couldn't bring myself to tell them. 

"I can't remember a thing about Pyua." Hato admitted.

"It's like, that past never existed for us." Hoshi spoke.

"It's strange, how you two still can't remember. I hope that you will, maybe when all of this is over." I replied.

Everyone gave a weary smile. That was the end of the conversation for the night. They must have known that wasn't all, but they didn't want to pry anymore. It was hard enough to explain as it was. Everyone looked like they were starting to get tired. I was too. 

"I think that's enough for tonight." Kairi said. 

"I agree." Sora yawned and stretched. 

Everyone lied down and pulled their covers up, getting comfy. 

"Thanks for sharing Hikari." Riku thanked. 

"Yeah..." I answered.

The fire still bright and warm.

"Goodnight everyone." Axel said.

"Goodnight." We all answered sleepily.

It was just this morning when I woke up on the beach, reborn and given a second chance. And now, I'm sleeping around a camp fire, reunited with my friends. And soon, it will be everyone. 

I brought the blanket closer to my face, getting warm, and comfy. The sounds of the fire popped, and the night bugs chirped. The tiredness already kicked in, then the sleep. The noises faded. I drifted away from reality. And into, another dream...

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