3; Alexander

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a.h. pov

I went home that night feeling very guilty, overwhelmed, and worried. Not only did I cheat on my beloved Eliza, but Peggy, one of my closest friends, has ran away. Oh God, I hope she is still nearby. I'm still sorry for the rude things I've done to her. I have dissed her far too many times to hang out with Laf, John, and Hercules. I am terrible friend.

Then my screwed up mind decided that it would be a good time to get intimate with John, the innocent gay turtle boy that should have never met me. Eliza will never forgive such a egotistical disappointment such as myself. My adoptive mother, Martha, greeted me as I quietly opened the door to not awake anyone. "Dear, what are you doing out so late?" She asked me in a concerned tone.

That's when I broke apart.

"Mom, I'm so sorry." I cried. "For what?" She asked. Mom was visually concerned. "My entire existence. All I do is ruin other people's lives. I'm a disappointment." "You are no disappointment! You are a brilliant young man with a promising future. Whose life is even being ruined? You are a blessing, not a curse." My mother embraced me in a hug. I didn't want to tell her, because I would have to come out as bisexual to her, and coming out to family is not a simple thing. I would also have to explain that I cheated on Eliza and did things with John. My mother knew John's family due to our long lasting friendship that originated during Fifth Grade. I decided to tell the majority of the story, but minus the intimate scene. However, she would know that I left and drank alcohol, which is illegal for a person of my age due to the thick scent of liquor that followed me. "Mom, I cheated on Eliza." I said quickly, but at a pace in which she could interpret. She was not happy whatsoever. I can clarify that what happened after I said those words was not pretty. Then again, what did I expect?

After a possible hour of being yelled at and hearing stories of mom's personal experience with cheaters along with many tears, I found myself in my chilly and dark bedroom. I watched as the light from the stars and moon shone down from my window. I rose from my bed and sat on the floor, cuddling my knees as I slowly rocked myself back and forth. I began to think about Peggy. I am possibly the cause of this. If I actually cared to catch up with her, then maybe she wouldn't have left.

Who knew I would ruin each Schuyler Sister's life?

(Word count: 459)

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