8; Hercules

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After Peggy's disappearance, the school felt emptier. Of course, a lot of gossip erupted. Most rumors say that Peggy killed herself in another county or state. I tried to get in contact with her and her sisters, but nobody will tell me what's happening. Peggy used to be my best friend. I don't know why I drifted away from her.
It used to just be the four of us: Peggy, Laf, Alexander, and me. Sometimes Peggy would tell us about her problems, but we didn't want to listen to her. I feel horrible about that. I recall having a conversation with Lafayette about how Peggy was boring and killed our vibe. I yearn to take back everything I had ever said negatively about her. Nobody appreciates what they have until it's gone.
I wanted to consult Alexander about it. He had been absent recently, and the rumors about him fucking up the Schuyler family are severe. I've heard that Alex had hooked up with John Laurens in front of Eliza, then tried to make a move on Angelica, but I refuse to believe any of it. Alexander isn't gay, right?
"Hey," I called to Alexander. He had been filing something in his locker, keeping his head low. The short young man perked his head up, made eye contact, then looked away. I walked over to him.
"Where have you been? After Angelica yelled at you during my party, I didn't hear your point of view." I asked. "Been busy. I assume you've already heard." He responded as he closed his locker and leaned against it. "What happened with you and Eliza? Talk around the school is vicious and I would rather hear from a witness and not a bystander." "Something," Alexander paused to find the right term. "borderline sexual," he added. "had happened with another person."
So the rumors were true.
"I'm gonna be blunt. Did you fuck Laurens?"
"What? No! Well, I don't know!" Alexander stammered. "What do you mean by 'I don't know?'" I inquired. "So you fucked Laurens?"
"I didn't fuck him!" Alexander shouted. "Things were getting a little intimate, but that was it!"
"So you're gay?"
"No. Wait yes. I don't know? I'm both."
"Oh, okay. What happened after that?" I asked.
"Before Angelica yelled at me, John and I went upstairs and made out. Eliza came upstairs and had found us and ran downstairs. Then Angelica found me."
"Why would you even cheat on Eliza anyway? She's golden and doesn't deserve that. It's pretty shitty man."
As much as I feel bad for Alex losing Peggy, I won't sympathize for a cheater.
"I honestly don't know. And the worst part is that i hurt the person I love most."
"Well no shit."
"Then Peggy went missing, and now i feel more like an asshole." Alex averted his gaze to the floor. I hadn't talked about Peggy to anyone yet because I'm scared I might cry. Alexander has no need to feel bad for Peggy's disappearance. She only left because I was being a jerk and it built up that she either decided to runaway or take her life.
"It's not your fault." I told Alex as I put my hand on his shoulder. His eyes began to water as his bangs fell in front of his eyes.
"We should go to class before we are late." He said after a pause.
We both walked to Math together and tried to brace ourselves for the rest of the day.

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