9; Peggy

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I stared at my reflection in a bathroom mirror. The mirror had water stains and fingerprints on it. The bathroom i was in wasn't clean either. The small trash can was overflowing with toilet paper and little bags, and products were all over the sink.
I looked at the person reflected before me. I don't recognize her anymore. Her matte red lipstick was smudged on her face, and her once beautiful mocha curls were now hideously unruly and shoved into a very messy bun. Her eyes were bloodshot and her pupils were still dilated from the substances she had taken last night. She was wearing only a band shirt that didn't even belong to her, and had purple spots all over her neck and collarbone. It's odd to realize that person is me.
After realizing that I couldn't make any money without staying down low, I had resorted to finding one-day sugar daddies. Last night's man was an older man named George with a major god complex. He had paid well and supplied me with psychedelics and alcohol, which are not a good combination. If only my parents had seen me now. I knew from a young age that I was a disappointment, but now i suppose I can embrace it. When I first left, I knew it was a mistake and I wanted to return so badly. But now I really don't give a fuck. Fuck Eliza. Fuck Angelica. I don't need them. I made $500 in a week. I can do this by myself.
I returned back to the room George was sleeping in. There were some lines of coke left on the table, so I had snorted some of it and crawled back into the bed. The effects had began to kick in and soon I was high again. I had bought myself a new phone and I was looking for more guys sliding into my DMs.
I checked my old Instagram account to find many follow requests and comments flooding my page.
"Ur_girl_Abigail commented: Peggy please come home😭😭 We miss you😣"
"Herc_Mulligan commented: I'm so sorry Peggy."
"JamesMadison commented: If you are reading this, I miss you sm."

I sighed and threw my phone on the bed. I miss my friends. I miss my innocence. I miss living a life where I am not high all the time. To be honest, I might even be an alcoholic. I wish everything were simpler.

Later that day, I had made plans to meet up with this other guy named Connor Murphy. He wasn't gonna pay me for meeting up though. He's my weed dealer. But we are friends, so sometimes I get discounts. We were supposed to be meeting up at an Olive Garden. But as soon as I had gotten there, he texted me that he wouldn't be able to make it. Since I already got a table, I decided I would just eat here.

I had ordered my food when I hear a familiar voice calling a name I hadn't heard in a while. "Peggy! Is that really you? Oh my God we all thought you died!"

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