6; J.D.

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I stood there, appalled. I ached to reach out to Veronica, but a compelling sensation of wrath flooded my thoughts.

Was she going to leave me for a girl she had just met? We have caused so many deaths together that could have us imprisoned, but she just naturally neglected me. As if I would let her abandon me like this. 

It's far too late for her to leave. I am all she needs, and if Maria is in the way of our passion, then she should be eliminated too.

I smirked to myself as I turned around and went back into the bar. 

I opened the heavy mahogany door as I walked back inside. I began scheming how I should kill Maria. I'm presuming a mere suicide would be simple, but I would need information that could be risky to obtain. I guess I would have to stalk her. Yes, it would demand much time to be able to accomplish this, but our love is God.

 I fled the bar with an elevated sense of authority. I could undoubtedly murder Maria, leaving Veronica as my possession. I beamed to myself as I unlocked my car and climbed inside. This is certainly going to be fun.

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