7; Eliza

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Angelica and I have been investigating Peggy's disappearance for what appears to be weeks now.
I assume it's all my fault that Peggy is missing, but my grief cannot prevent me from searching or her.
I refuse to imagine that something serious has occurred. However, Angelica's views are not related to mine.
We've hung posters, called newspapers, and even have filed a missing person's report, but we've not improved.
"Eliza, she's not going to respond," Angelica said inaudibly after I began calling Peggy's phone.
"You don't know that," I replied. We both remained silent as we listened to the vibration of my phone's hum.
"Hello?" The voice inquired. It didn't sound like it belonged to Peggy. Peggy's voice was quite delicate and soft. This woman's voice was stronger. But they sounded the same.
"Peggy? Is that you?" I asked frantically. I heard a stifled cry from the other line.
"Eliza, I'm so sorry." She whispered. I began weeping, and Angelica did as well.
"Peggy we're so sorry for hurting you," Angelica cried. We both expelled multiple apologies, but Peggy was quiet.
"I'm not Peggy anymore," she answered.
"What do you mean?" I questioned. I didn't want to frighten her and make her hang up on me.
She sighed."Look, I don't make use of that title anymore. But overall, I'm okay, and I don't want you both worrying about me. You're drawing attention to me, and it's irritating."
I felt my heart sink as my face began burning. "What is wrong with you?" Angelica roared into the phone.
"Yeah, we've been worried sick about you! But you don't even care about the misery you've caused us." I said distinctly. "Misery?" I heard her yell into the phone. "You all are unaware of what you made me do to myself. Your neglect for me drove me to such horrible lengths!" "W-what did you do?" Angelica asked meekly. "Oh, y'know, just self harm. Nothing that you would care about." My eyes began watering. We both didn't know what to say to her, so there was a long pause. "Don't call me again." She says sternly before hanging up the phone. I collapse onto the floor.

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