10; Jefferson

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"Hey Madison," I said as I turned to my shorter friend. "Do you wanna go to Olive Garden?"

We were both sitting on my living room floor, playing with my younger brother's train set. "I don't know Thomas. Won't your parents get mad at us for leaving the house unattended?" James Madison responded. Pft. My parents are in France. They don't mind whatever I do as long as I don't get arrested.

"James, my parents don't give a damn. And after we can go get manicures. Hamilton was talking about how his girlfriend had done his nails and mine could use a touch up." I held up my hand to my friend.

"Alright. Plus I am really craving some breadsticks." Madison stood up and dusted off his shirt. "Did you really just dust off your shirt?" I asked in a sarcastic tone as we walked to my magenta car. "Why wouldn't I? Your carpet is disgusting." He replies in his stupid monotone voice. "Bitch, I thought Sally cleaned it. We pay her for a reason."

I turn the key and pull out of the driveway. "Where has Sally been? I haven't seen her lately."
"Do I look like I know? Since my parents went on their business trip I haven't seen her."
"Are y'all still paying her with her absence?"
"Ion know man. That's my parents problem. I ain't no snitch." I shrugged. I live pretty close to an Olive Garden so this should be a quick drive.
"Well at least clean your house, you lazy francophile."
"Oh shut up Madison."
"Seriously though. I know you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth but do you know how to work a vacuum?"
"Fuck you." I laughed. Honestly though, I was born having everything done for me so i never had to worry about doing anything.
"What the hell man? You ran a stoplight." Madison pointed to the street-light thing.
"What are you gonna do about it? Snitch me out?"
"No, but I think that officer might." He said, pointing to a parked police car.
"Shit shit shit!" I panicked, only for Madison to begin laughing.
"Nobody saw you, dumbass." He laughed.
"Shut up nerd."

We pulled into the parking lot next to a yellow car and a black car. The yellow car looked pretty beat up.
"Ew," I recoiled as I wiped my hand on a handkerchief. "poor people."
"You're so entitled." Madison shook his head.
I held the door open for him and he didn't say thank you. Ouch.

"Hello! My name is Marvin and I'll be your waiter today. I'll show you to your table." The waiter said as he lead us to a booth. I looked around at the people near us. There was an old guy with a cough who kept staring at me, a family eating breadsticks, and a teenage couple sitting in the booth next to us. One was dressed like a hobo, and the other was wearing a black leather jacket over a red velvet dress. But the teenage girl looked oddly familiar.

"Madison," I said, getting his attention. Pointing to her, I asked "Do we know her?"
"Peggy? Is that you? Oh my God we all thought you died!" Madison shouted, startling Marvin, who muttered something about breadsticks as he walked away.

Peggy Schuyler? That's Hamilton's girlfriend's sister who disappeared.

"Maria, are they talking to you?" Emo hobo asked Peggy.
"Yes, well no, but—" Peggy stuttered.
"Peggy we missed you so much! You gotta come back with us!" Madison went on. I knew he had a crush on her for the longest time last year, and i don't know if he ever got over it.

"Yeah, the school hasn't been the same since." I added.
"I'm not going back." Peggy said.
"Going back where? Maria, did you lie to me?" The hobo asked, his long brown hair covering one of his eyes like some anime character.
"Connor I'm so sorry." Peggy stood up, and so did the hobo.
"Alright but who tf is Mariah?" I asked, but got no answer.
"Come back with us." Madison insisted.
"James, I cant go back anyway. I've embarrassed myself and there's nothing i can do to fix it. Plus, everyone back home is an asshole and I hated life for the longest time. I'm finally happy."
Damn. That's tuff.
"Alright that's it. I'm out." Connor said as he threw his chair walked out.
Well i'm about to receive a lifetime ban from my favorite restaurant because of some street hobo.
"Connor wait—" Peggy said in an effort to make him stay, but she left him walk out.
That nasty drug dealer is gonna make Peggy pay for the meal. Dang.
"How did you even find me?" Peggy asked as she crossed her arms. She was pissed.
"Madison wanted Olive Garden," I said.
"You asked me to go, Thomas." He responded.

I think i should kidnap Peggy.

"Hey Peggy, Angelica gave me something that she wanted me to show you if I ever found you. Follow me." I said, leading her to my car, with a confused Madison following me.
"Come look," I said, ushering her the trunk of my car. She came over, and I threw her into the back and slammed the trunk shut.
"What the hell!" Madison screamed.
"We gotta take her back to New York." I answered. "Get your ass in the car."

I ignited the engine and drove off to the Schuyler manor.

I better not get arrested for this.

A/N: I bet this was the chapter y'all were hoping for lmao. I filled in a ton of filler dialogue so it didn't matter if you skipped it or not. The next chapter is gonna be groovy, man.

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