11; Jefferson

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I have a fucking teenage girl in the trunk of my car.

So this is probably what it feels like to be a serial killer. huh.

"Thomas we are gonna get ARRESTED for KIDNAPPING." Madison shouted as he began gasping for air.

I passed him his inhaler and said, "Look buddy, we are gonna be fine as long as we just transport Peggy safely back to the— HOLY SHIT!"




"THIS WAS AN AWFUL IDEA!" I began crying. I'm totally gonna get arrested!
"Peggy please stop Peggy please stop Peggy please stop Peggy please stop Peggy please stop Peggy please stop." I thought out loud.
The drive to Albany was a 30 minute drive, but we were either gonna have to tie Peggy up or just keep going.
"YOU HAVE TO PULL OVER!" Madison shouted.
"FINE I'LL PULL INTO THE EMPTY PARKING LOT!" I swerved the car into a parking lot and got out of the car and grabbed some rope out of the back seat.
"M-Madison, get your pretty ass over here..." I said in shock at the sight that was before me.
"What?" James said as he walked over to me, his eyes becoming wide.
Peggy still had her hand waving out the window, but it was all cut up and bloody from the glass. the back of my car looked completely busted. when my parents come back, i'm dead.
in a fit of rage, i opened the trunk as madison held her hands behind her back for me to tie them up. then we tied her legs. madison found some tape that we put over her mouth so she would stop screaming.
"If we get caught, we will get years in prison, Thomas." Madison panicked.
"We'll be fine. Just hope for the best." I said, taking a deep breath.

The drive had been pretty smooth. I managed to calm down Madison, and by the time we had entered Albany, we had 10 minutes left. If we safely return the missing Schuyler Sister, then everything will be normal again. With Peggy gone, our high school had a dreary aroma-like fog filled with doubt and regret. Everyone was blaming themselves and others had pretended like they knew her. I even found one or two fake tribute Instagram accounts. I didn't have a reason to blame myself. I knew Peggy, but we never had much socialization. If anything, I probably had one of the best relationships with her. We never spoke except for that one occasion in which we were assigned as partners for a science project, but she did most of the work and I had made her laugh a few times.
But besides that, I never truly crossed paths with Peggy Schuyler like I managed to with her sisters. Elizabeth was my rival's now ex-girlfriend, so I was always pretty neutral towards her. Angelica was a whole other matter. I wasn't afraid of her or anything, but she did unsettle me at times.

Madison seemed to notice I zoned out, and he nudged me. "Thomas, the Schuyler Mansion is right there." he said, pointing to a big house on a hill.
"Damn," I said to myself. That's one mighty big house. We drove up the hill, and I was planning how to explain that I had kidnapped my rival's ex-girlfriend's sister who went missing and that she was in the trunk of my car.

"You wait in the car, and I'll bring them to her." I told Madison as I left the radio on for him and exited the car. I walked up the quartz stairs and rang the doorbell.

A disheveled looking Eliza had opened the door. Her long brown hair was shoved into a messy bun and she wore sweatpants and a plain blue t-shirt. the deep bags under her eyelids indicated days without sleep, and she looked pissed.
"What do you want, Thomas?" She asked, her voice tired.
"I have Peggy." I answered, smiling as I met her hopeful gaze. Her eyes had lit up as she shouted for her family.
Angelica and their parents ran out the door. "Where is she?" they asked.
"uhm, the back seat of my car.." i answered shyly.
"I don't care where you put her! Just bring her to us!" Angelica shouted.
Madison exited the car and opened the trunk of my car, carrying Peggy, who was kicking for her life. He ripped off the tape on her face.
"Let me go, you sick fuck!" she shouted as she spat in his face.
He had dropped her to wipe her saliva off his face.
"Ow!" She yelped.
"You should take her inside so she can't run." I suggested. Her mother and father carried her inside, with us all following behind.
We all sat on the couches in their living room as the house servants cut the rope I tied on Peggy.
"Why the hell did you torture us like that?" Her mom shouted, tears threatening to roll home her pale face. "And why are you dressed like a slut?"
Peggy stopped fighting and had a blank look on her face, staring straight down, looking at no one.
"Why?" She has shouted again.
"None of you fucking care. You never did. Now you do only because your lousy reputations are being tarnished!" Peggy screamed, making Madison and I pretty uncomfortable.
Should I show myself out?

"And I can dress however the hell I want. I survived just fine on my own. I don't need any of you anyway." She defended herself. "My sisters were absolute bitches to me most of my life. Y'all bullied me so much that I really wanted to leave, whether by running away or suicide."  Eliza began crying into her shirt, and Angelica looked down in shame.
Damn, this is really awkward.
"My parents were neglectful since Middle School. Ever since I opened up about how miserable I was, you both started being embarrassed of me. How do you think it felt knowing that you are the family screw up? Well now after all the shit I did by myself you can actually consider me the screw up." Peggy's mom seemed more pissed than upset, but her dad bit his lip.
"And you two." She said, pointing at me and Madison.
"You two actually never hurt me like everyone else has. Thomas and I never actually hung out except for the time we were lab partners and he was super kind and funny." she smiled, looking at me. "And Madison," she looked down, a bit shy. "I actually had a small crush on you before. You were also really sweet and the time you and Thomas pranked Alexander was super funny." She grinned, then frowned. "But then you guys kidnapped me and tied me up in the back of your car." she said, pointing to her bloodied hand.
"She kicked out the tail lights." I mumbled in clarification.
"I don't want to be around my family anymore. I don't even consider you my family. You are just people that screwed over my mental health. If I stay here, then I might as well stay with Thomas and Madison." She said.

"You can if it's okay with you guys." Madison asked. They didn't answer, so we just took that as a yes. As we left the Schuyler Mansion, Mrs. Schuyler put a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you for finding my daughter." she smiled.
"It was no problem ma'am." I answered as I walked to my car to take Peggy and Madison to my Manor.

(Trust me, the book is far from over. Although this sounds like a possible ending, I have many more tricks up my sleeve, lol)

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