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Timeline: A few months before Xanxus finds out he's adopted and when he has just taken over Varia.

Xanxus: 15
Squalo: 14
Tsuna: 5


Tsuna was lost, she hadn't meant to wander off, but she had seen a really cute little yellow bird and followed after it without thinking. Now the five year old was lost, and not just lost, lost in a country where she couldn't speak a word of the native tongue.

Tsuna's little legs had kept her moving as she searched for the way back even as tears welled in her brown eyes and sniffles escaped her. The five year old Japanese child continued to fight back tears while weaving around under the legs and feet of much taller people.

Stumbling over the shoe of someone Tsuna fell down onto her hands and knees, tears threatening to spill while she carefully pulled herself back up, looking down at her hands and knees to see she had scraped them, and they were bleeding. Then the pain hit, sniffles and sobs escaping her while the five year old stared at the blood not knowing what to do.

"Don't tell me the brat's going to start screaming for its mother." A voice snapped from up above her, Tsuna had no idea what they were saying, but the tone the person took made her threatening tears begin to fall over.

"You knocked it over you deal with it trash." Another voice growled while Tsuna sniffled sobbing quietly to herself while staring at her hands still, fat red droplets making trails across her hands to drop down on the ground.

"Uh... well shit I don't know how to do this!?" The first man shouted out while Tsuna went to rub her hands on her pants to wipe the blood off, tears falling faster when that hurt even more. "Hey brat." Someone roughly petted (smacked) her head while they fumble for words. "Uh, stop crying." They ordered her brown eyes lifting up to the person only to squeak and trip over her feet in her hurry to get back from them.

Tsuna began to cry then, this person was scary, they had short spiked silver hair and they were glaring at her angrily.

"You're making it worse trash." Her brown eyes darted over to the other big person, Tsuna wasn't any good at picking people's ages but they were older then her but younger than her mother. This man was even scarier, he was tall, and he had angry red eyes that were currently glaring down at her. Tsuna could only cry harder.

"I think we're scaring it." The first one noted while Xanxus snacked Squalo upside his head.

"No fucking shit trash." Tsuna silenced when she saw him hit the other person, clapping her hands over her mouth while tears continued to fall down her cheeks. What if he hit her for being loud too?

"You're making it more scared now, shitty boss." Squalo growled over at the Vongola brat while clutching his sore head, the teenager could hit fucking hard as hell. Xanxus' answer to the still crying child was to grab it by the back of the overalls it was wearing and lifting her up to eye level to glare at it from up close.

"Stop crying brat." He ordered while the child just blinked at him with her huge brown eyes. "How do we tell if it's a girl or boy?" Xanxus asked Squalo whom shrugged in response.

"No way in hell I'm looking." The silver haired swordsman hissed while Xanxus smacked him over the head again.

"It's not a dog." While they were bantering all Tsuna could do was freeze and whimper, holding back her tears from the scary man that was holding her high up off the ground. Tsuna hated being up high like this, her father always grabbed her and threw her up and down like it was some game, it was a game that terrified Tsuna ever since he had not caught her once while distracted.

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