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It was a sad day for the Varia, their commander, Wrathful Sky and leader was in mourning.

Tsuna had finally stopped talking about herself in third person, much to Xanxus' horror, she had finally started to refer to herself as I. Mammon was making a fortune off Xanxus for any recording of Tsuna when she still referred to herself in third person. All of which had tripled in price as soon as Mammon found out.

Not that it made Tsuna any less cute to him, but still, he missed the childish referencing, it meant that Tsuna was growing up, and if he had his way she would never grow up.

Her schooling, Flame training and combat training were all well underway, but still he had never really thought about her growing up and starting to grow out of her cute habits. Xanxus could only hope that she never grew out of calling him nii-san, if Tsuna ever referred to him as Xanxus he wouldn't know what to do with himself. Mammon had a betting pool going on an estimate of the time until Tsuna grew out of calling him nii-san and a further pool on if he would cry or not when that happened.

Squalo had money on him crying.

Lussuria and Levi had money on Tsuna never stopping calling him nii-san.

Belphegor had just ignored Mammon when she brought it up with him and kept playing his game.

Mammon had cackled for three days straight at the profits she had to gain from this venture, no matter which way it went she stood to gain a lot of money.


Tsuna stood beside her mother on a small step ladder while helping her to prepare the meals for her classmates and friends, a few weeks ago Tsuna had asked her mother to teach her to cook, Nana had been beside herself with joy at the request. Nana knew she couldn't help her child with her school work as she had never been the best at school either, but there was one thing she excelled in which was cooking. To Nana it was more than just food, if it made her family smile then that was all the return one could ever want or need.

Sawada Nana was a master of the housewife arts, she could cook like a goddess, having been called a Yamato Nadeshiko more than once by those that knew her. Everything was always in order in her house, washing done and folded, food provided for anyone that lived there or turned up, rooms always in order and clean yet homey.

Their new little addition of Nagi hadn't had any real impact on the small family so far. Nana had set up the guest room for the small girl, but she slept with Tsuna most nights. Xanxus asked that until he had dealt with the bullies that Nagi stayed at the Sawada home, she would be enrolled in school in a week or so once Xanxus had done what had to be done. Nana didn't ask any further questions, she just smiled and nodded taking care of Nagi during the day while Tsuna was at school.

Nana was working hard on gaining the little girl's trust, Nagi flinched every time she looked at her, even standing up without warning made the child sink in on herself and flinch in terror. If Nana ever had the honour of meeting this child's parents and as she had been told the ones that hurt the girl, Nana was going to smack them over the head with her most solid frying pan... multiple times.

A knock at the door alerted them to the arrival of Tsuna's friends, they came and picked her up every morning, Xanxus had even started to allow them to take her to school without him. Though he always picked her up from school. Xanxus didn't care how safe this small town was, nor how strong her little pseudo Guardians were. Xanxus picked her up every day to ensure that nothing like the Ottabio situation ever happened again.

In truth he also had Levi keep an eye on things in the morning just in case. The teen keeping a watch from a distance while ensuring that the child made it to school safely in the morning.

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