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Xanxus growled at the phone but picked it up regardless, it was Levi calling, the teen was on Tsuna duty today so either he was calling because he was bored, or something had gone wrong.


"Uh... you're not going to like it." Xanxus' eyes narrowed to a glare.

"Start talking scum."

"Some high school brats just took Tsuna and the other girl." Xanxus' desk mysteriously caught on fire, the teen stalking out of the room ignoring Squalo as the silver haired sword master growled after him and tried his best to put the fire out.

"How many."


"Combat assessment." Xanxus ordered while Levi scanned the teenagers taking Tsuna off somewhere, following at a safe distance until Xanxus said otherwise.

"Low, civilian students with mediocre skill." Xanxus growled lightly, while his instincts told him to get in there and destroy those civilian brats that dared take Tsuna, he was also incredibly curious to see whether or not Tsuna would fight. Tsuna may be reluctant to use her skills, but she was also someone that wouldn't let a friend be hurt.

"Keep a close eye on them, I'm on my way. Only interfere if it looks like it's going to be too much for her, or if she doesn't fight."

"Yes boss." Levi sent the physical location to Xanxus by text while keeping an eye, so far, the teenagers had just nudged the two children around, Tsuna had been covering Kyoko while frowning at the surrounding high schoolers.


Tsuna complied with the teens when they dragged them off to a waterway, under a bridge, she kept her tongue and instead did her best to make sure Kyoko was calm, she wasn't the best at assessing combat abilities, but they surely couldn't be stronger than Xanxus.

If they were they would have been being pestered by Kyoya, so that meant they were probably weaker than Kyoya, so that made them weaker than Xanxus. That meant had a chance at beating them if she had to.

The only question now was how, Xanxus had said she shouldn't use her Flames unless they had a gun, she hadn't seen any guns, but one of them did have a knife. Squalo had taught her how to fight against someone with a knife or sword, but that would be difficult to manage along with keeping Kyoko safe.

Kyoko... Tsuna looked over at her scared friend, Kyoko hadn't let go of her hand since the teenagers had shown up, if she was going to get them both out of this safely she would need to leave Kyoko on her own, but what then if someone got to Kyoko while she was working on the other teenagers.

Tsuna's brow furrowed in thought while she kept calming Kyoko quietly, looking between the teens to see what she could use to get them out of this, one of them was limping slightly, one seemed to have a short temper, he would be the type to hit first and ask questions later, so he needed to go down first, or soon after it began. The one that worried her most though was the one with the knife, he was calm, and calm meant that he would be thinking should she do anything, that meant he might see that Kyoko couldn't fight and go after her while Tsuna was occupied.

It would be so much easier if she just used her Flames, but she had promised Xanxus, she wouldn't use those unless her life was in imminent danger, so that meant she needed to come up with a strategy before she and Kyoko got hurt.

"Hey! Give back my sister! You... You unextreme bullies!" Tsuna's head shot up to see Ryohei, Kyoko sobbed in relief, Tsuna tugging the girl back behind her when she went to run to Ryohei.

Tsuna knew things were only going to get worse from here, the one with a knife was shifting his weight on his feet in a way that told her he was about to come after her and Kyoko, while he was distracted, that gave her the chance to at least get the knife out of the way, between her and Ryohei they should be able to take out the rest, if Kyoko's bragging about her brothers boxing was anything to go by.

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