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Nana got out of the room and closed herself into another one, Tsuna stood at the door for a few moments before moving down the hallway and to another door, knocking at the door she blinked up at Lussuria with a sad smile, reaching up she took Lussuria's hand and tugged him with her to the room her mother was in.

"Can you take care of mama Luss-nee?" Lussuria ruffled Tsuna's hair before knocking at the door of the room and heading in. Tsuna frowned in thought looking at the door for a few more seconds, she wanted to get more people to help, but Nana didn't like it when Tsuna saw her sad, every time her mother had been sad she would hide it, and Tsuna knew she got even more upset if Tsuna realised something was wrong. Tsuna didn't want to add to her mother's upset.... but she really wanted to do more to comfort her mother. While she didn't understand absolutely everything that happened in the other room she knew enough of it to know that Iemitsu had done something wrong and lied to her mother.

Tsuna poked her head back in the other room, Iemitsu was sitting in his chair still completely silent and staring at the floor, Tsuna flicked her eyes around to the others in the room, all of them talking over different things in Italian, Japanese and other languages she didn't understand. Tsuna slid in and tugged at Xanxus' sleeve.

The room fell silent when Xanxus looked down at Tsuna, the girl lifting her arms to him, Xanxus picking her up as she leant in to whisper to him, she was getting really nervous with everyone looking at her, especially people she didn't know.

"Can you call Tsuyoshi-san?" Tsuna whispered, "I think he and Luss-nee will help mama." Xanxus wasn't going to question her intuition, it had never steered them wrong before.

"Okay brat." Xanxus assured as he pulled out his mobile, everyone watching as Tsuna flicked her eyes around at everyone, Reborn sent her a little wave that Tsuna shyly returned with a small smile.

"Quite cute." Fon chuckled over to Reborn. "And her Flames...."

"Strong, and pure." Reborn agreed studying the small child in Xanxus' arms. "Remind you of anyone?" Fon chuckled looking over at the small girl.

"From both her actions and her Flame, yes~ She's going to be one person you don't want to piss off later in life."

"She'll protect her friends with her life." Reborn added. "From what I hear she only fights if it's for her family." Fon studied the small girl for a few more minutes.

"Not famiglia?" Reborn had to chuckle at that.

"Oh, believe me Fon, I've tried, Nono refuses to bring her into the famiglia, however she does have quite a few Guardians. Xanxus was getting precious about that so Timoteo's renamed them to make it easier on the brat." Reborn chuckled looking over at Tsuna still. "Regardless of what they call them, the kid has nearly two sets of Guardians."

"She's missing some?"

"Lightning." Reborn noted. "Kid's got herself a Cloud though. They're normally the most difficult." The hitman added while Fon chuckled softly to himself from behind his red sleeve.

"I know, my dearest nephew seems to be most taken with the small animal. My brother in law is so very upset." Fon noted. "Apparently he was hoping his son would take after him and go into law enforcement, not take after my lovely sister and get involved with the Triad." Fon studied the small girl still in Xanxus' hold. "Though with that Flame, I'm not surprised he fell to the temptation of the Mafia." Fon chucked. "I haven't felt a Sky Flame like this since Luce."

"Exactly, and this is at seven... can you imagine her as an adult?" They both paused at that, exchanging a glance. "Scary I know."

"How long do you think Nono can keep her out of the Mafia world?" Reborn studied the small girl being led out of the room.

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