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The second Ottabio heard from a maid that Vongola Nono was there the man was scurrying down the hall from the room he was in to greet Nono, the tall man hurried into the second lounge his eyes darting to Nono while he bowed respectfully to the man.

"Nono, it's an honour to see you here." Ottabio bade while the old man just smiled sweetly at him and waving to the man to calm down.

"That's nice, however.... I would like for someone to start talking about the fact that my son seems to be.... babysitting the five year old civilian daughter of my CEDEF commander." The room fell silent but for the snickering coming from Belphegor.

"Oh....that." Ottabio noted while his glare pinned on each member of the Varia, all of whom ignored him, Xanxus had not said they could talk about it, so they were not going to talk about it. "Where is Xanxus?"

"He took the brat to bed." Ottabio paled, then flushed while his eyes widened behind the thin frames of his glasses.

"HE WHAT?" Squalo peered at the man with a blink his mind quickly calculating what the man was thinking while his lips twisted angrily.

"VOI! You fucking pervert, what the fuck sort of monster do you take the boss for?!" Squalo snarled his blade slipping out on his false hand while he snarled at Ottabio. "You just thought the boss was doing something fucking disgusting with a kid he thinks of as his fucking family!" Squalo snarled while Lussuria slid his boa from his neck glaring at Ottabio from behind his sunglasses, Belphegor fingering some blades, Mammon's hand twitching even while Levi cracked his knuckles and glared over at the man insulting their boss.

"Excuse me." Timoteo noted calmly drawing attention from the Varia second in command about to be lynched by his own team. "Did you just say Xanxus thinks of Iemitsu's child as.... family?" Squalo snapped his mouth shut glancing back at Timoteo, well shit, his big mouth.

"Uh.... no?" Squalo tried while Timoteo frowned directly at the teen making Squalo shiver in fear, okay Timoteo was scary, he had never thought that for a second about the smiling old man, not until now when his blood ran cold with a simple stare. "...Uh....Well shit stop looking at me like that!" Squalo hissed while backing up from the Vongola boss. "Ask boss, not my place."

"Mammon." Timoteo called out pinning the Arcobaleno. "Explain to me what you know." Timoteo ordered slipping some notes from his pocket while Mammon all but pounced on the man and began counting the money.

"Squalo called us here to see the boss making a spectacle of himself acting like a human with the kid." Mammon noted while slipping the money away in her dark robes. "Kid calls him big brother and he seems to enjoy it~ €5000 for pictures of him smiling." Timoteo slid out his wallet and handed the baby some more money quietly. "Nice doing business with you Nono." Mammon cackled while grabbing her camera and floating out, her money senses were telling her that if she got a picture of Xanxus right now she would make more money than she could imagine.

Squalo darted out after the Arcobaleno with a growl and everyone else just ended up following him, Mammon heading for a private room and quietly opening the door with a silent cackle, oh yes, this was perfect, snapping quickly before the noise woke the boss Mammon managed to secure herself a picture of Tsuna curled in a napping Xanxus' arms on a bed. The Varia commander stretched out with Tsuna gripping his shirt still fast asleep.

"Mammon, you're dead scum." Xanxus growled cracking open a red eye at the Arcobaleno while Mammon pointed at the stirring Tsuna, silencing Xanxus while he glowered at them silently his arms around Tsuna protectively.

"Well.... fuck me." Timoteo noted his wide eyes on the scene before him while a small coin hit his forehead with surprising accuracy, wide eyes on a dozy Tsuna sleepily frowning at him from Xanxus' arms where she had stolen a coin from the teens pocket and just thrown it at boss of the entire Vongola famiglia.

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