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Ages of our favourite characters as of the end of this chapter~

AKA Ages from October 14th

Fuuta : 3

Chrome : 6

Chikusa: 7

Tsuna, Kyoko, Hana, Takeshi, Ken, , Hayato, Takeshi, Basil : 8

Belphegor, Ryohei : 9

Kyoya, Mukurou : 10

Squalo, Levi : 16

Xanxus : 18

Lussuria : 19

Mammon : As old as her tongue and a little older then her teeth


The next week was busy, very busy, for the Varia mansion. Arcobaleno all over the place, Massimo running around and Xanxus really testing his last nerve not to punch his brother and his perky attitude.

What he hated most of all however, was when Massimo was quiet, it meant he had taken one of the brats somewhere and quite often it was Tsuna. Massimo took delight in taking Tsuna off without telling Xanxus, and then watching his little brother tear apart the mansion to find them, Massimo teaching Tsuna how to disperse her Flames so that someone couldn't find her by tracking her Flames, something that Xanxus would have taught her eventually, but it was infuriating for him to not be able to track Tsuna in the mansion, Massimo made it a game and Tsuna was always happy to play with anyone in her little family, unfortunately that included Massimo right now.

Today's match of Hide and Seek Tsuna, their version of Hide and Seek, involved all her brats, it was a giant free for all on tracking Tsuna down in the mansion, and instead of hiding, she was allowed to move. Tsuna had to both diffuse her Flames to stop them finding her while tracking them and moving around them.

It was an ingenious training method and Tsuna loved to play games with them all, so it was good fun all around, except Massimo had done this to piss him off and Xanxus knew it.

"Her Flame manipulation is more refined than I've seen in a very long time." Reborn mused as he and Fon watched and tracked the kids running around the building.

"Stronger than any of the current Vongola, they won't be able to ignore that for long." Reborn sighed at that, it was true, Tsuna's grasp on her Flame was progressing in leaps and bounds, she was already catching up to Federico, and he was the weakest of the Nono's children... and Tsuna was still just seven. "I'm not sure what Xanxus intended in the beginning, but the Mafia world won't stay oblivious to her forever, not with Flames like that."

"At least she has Guardians." Reborn sighed. "Those Vongola boys need to start collecting some as well, Massimo especially if he's intending to take over from Nono."

"Massimo.... wasn't he going to go into CEDEF before Enrico died?" Reborn watched as said child of Nono dragged Tsuna across the grass and into the gardens to hide.

"Originally he was going to learn Iemitsu's job then replace him. With Enrico passing..."

"Mmm, the Vongola is in a tight spot, what they need is someone strong, the alliance will accept nothing less than someone as powerful as Nono." Reborn mused before sighing. "Massimo doesn't have the Flames for it, Federico as well, Enrico was their best bet.... I'm not sure what the old man will do now. Xanxus is powerful, but the Varia won't let him go." Reborn watched as Tsuna snuck back into the mansion, so far Ken was the best at finding her because he could sniff her out, his ability to sense Flames wasn't that good anyway, and as the other children were finding out their Flames wouldn't always lead them to Tsuna, they needed to find other ways of tracking her.

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