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First thing on Monday morning Tsuna sighed at the pile of papers, it would seem Kyoya had a productive weekend, there had to be at least 30 reports sitting on her desk. It was really bad timing too, they were meant to work out the sports day details today, Tsuna would have to stay late to finish up all the paperwork.

"I've finished dividing everyone up principessa~" Mukurou called as he set down even more paperwork on her desk, Tsuna blinking in surprise as she flicked through the paperwork.

"You divided us up like I asked?" Mukurou nodded down to her, it wasn't fair to have all of them on one team, the opposing team wouldn't stand a chance against the children of the Varia. Mukurou had thought that would be amusing, to totally dominate the rest of the school, but Tsuna had asked that they all separate.

"Sure did~" Mukurou purred, of course he had split them up, including putting Tsuna's guard puppy on the opposite team from Tsuna for the fun it would cause. He made sure the birdy and he were on opposite sides too, if there was any chance of a head to head challenge with him, Mukurou was ready. "I know you aren't taking part of any events, but I've put you on a team anyway, Chrome would prefer to be on your team, even if it is only on paper."

"Ah.... I didn't think of that, thank you Mukurou-nii." Tsuna smiled brightly up at him and setting the team allocations into the done pile. "Ryohei-nii was organizing the equipment, he said that he extremely didn't need help... but can you check he's okay please?" Mukurou ruffled her hair with a nod heading out to check on the energetic Sun, he had taken Ken with him to count all the equipment and make sure they had enough. With those two together it was likely that nothing was getting done as they had a yelling match or decided to run laps training to the extreme.

"Now..." Tsuna sighed heavily looking at the dreaded pile of DC paperwork, how could he get into that many brawls in one weekend? Tsuna was starting to think he was getting into more fights than normal just, so he could make the pile of papery doom even bigger on her desk. Tsuna now understood why Xanxus complained about his paperwork so often, if it was anything like these piles of papers then she was happy to help him burn them next time he asked. Tsuna had always been confused as to why he hated the paperwork so much, now she understood, and he had more paperwork than her on her worst day.

Tsuna pulled out her cell phone before typing a message to Xanxus. I promise next time you want to burn the paperwork I will help. We'll ask Squalo-nii to break up a fight between Mukurou and Kyoya to distract him from stopping us.


Xanxus had to smile as he looked down at the message, not only had Tsuna changed her mind on the paperwork, but she already had a plan ready. Next time the paperwork tower threatened Tsuna and he were going to topple it.


Appreciated. Tsuna smiled brightly down at the message before sighing and getting started on the pile of papery doom. While she would love to hand this off to someone else, she wasn't that cruel.

So instead Tsuna kept working through Kyoya's paperwork before she could finally start working on her own.

"Tsu-hime, the dog sent these forms to you to fill out." Hayato burst into her office brandishing a new stack of paperwork sent by Ken and Ryohei in regard to the equipment. Tsuna had to spend a conscious effort not to sob as the papers fell onto the top of her pile increasing the height substantially. "Tsu-hime?" Hayato asked confused when her head hit her desk for a moment, Tsuna peeking up with her huge brown eyes watering.

"Why do they keep doing this to me Hayato-nii?"

"T-Tsu-hime?!" Hayato began to panic while fussing around her, he didn't know what to do when she cried, he never did, and he dreaded Mukurou and Kyoya, worse Xanxus, finding out he had been there and possible been the cause of her crying.

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