I don't mind the rain.

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~Danny's POV~

Pouring. The rain poured down as I walked down the sidewalk. The sky was cloudy as I looked up at the sky. On a normal day, the sky would be a blue-grey, since the smog invaded it. I pulled my hood up as I put earbuds in. Random music played and I stepped into a puddle by the curb and walked across the street, getting stuck behind a group of 3 woman and 2 men about my age.

The music blared in my ears as I walked, passing strangers that wouldn't stop to talk to me about American Idol. Only a few people have noticed, but not on this rainy day with my hood up. As the group ahead of me walked across the road, a car drove past, separating them from me and drenching the group with puddle water. I watched as I saw the girls open their mouth and scream. One of them flipped the car off as it drove away. I chuckled.

Walking across the street, I day dreamed about winning in American Idol, the joy of it. Not even watching where I was going, I ran into someone. My head turned to see a beautiful woman about my age, long black hair with light blue eyes. She was saying something, but I couldn't hear over my earbuds.

I fumbled for my earbuds, and took one out quickly, "What?"

She giggled a laugh that was so weird that it was cute, "I said, 'well, hello.'"

"Hi there."

"You look familiar." The girl said, "Are you from American Idol or something?"

"Yeah..um, American Idol."

"Yes! I knew it. Isn't it Dan or something like that?"

"Daniel Murillo." I smiled and nodded, reaching a hand out for her to shake.
She shook it firmly, "Sondra. Sondra Calvert."

"Congrats by the way. That is so damn amazing." Sondra said as they walked.
It was amazing. Having a kick ass voice was a gift. Not only that, but I could possibly start my own band and basically make a living off of that. That would be perfect.. Except for some fame.

I mean, I'd like to be famous and all, but the things you'd have to go through.. Fans.. Paparazzi.. TV shows and other things. As we walked, we came across a Star Bucks, so Sondra and I went in and ordered. I took my wallet out.

"Uh.." Sondra chuckled, "No."
I smirked, "Uh, Yes."

She grasped for my wallet, but I quickly gave the cashier a 20 dollar bill. Sondra sighed loudly, "Why?!"

"Why?" I laugh, "Because I'm nice."
I followed her to a 2-person table and sat across from her. She was something.. Sondra's smile was gorgeous on her face.

"Since you bought me Star Bucks," she dug a torn piece of paper from her bag, "I'll give you.. My number."

Sondra scrawled on the paper with a pen, then slid it across the table over to me. I laughed and took it.

"Sondra, your coffees are ready!" The cashier called out, looking around for us as she put the drinks on the counter.
Sondra stood, smiling and walked over and grabbed both of them, and came back. She set my black coffee in front of me and sipped on some type of Frappé she got. I couldn't help but smile back at her.


~Charlie Scene's POV~

The whole band was here, except for Deuce, which was a good thing. All of us had our masks off, and we either sat on the couch or floor.

"I don't want to see Deuce here again. He was too much trouble." I say, sitting next to Funny Man, or Dylan.

I heard Johnny snort, "You're not the only one."

The others agreed, and J-Dog stood up, "I know someone to replace him."

"And.. Who's that, man?"

"Danny. Er, Daniel Murillo. We've been friends forever. He has an amazing voice." J-Dog said, and nodded, "I'll call him up if you want me to."

I nodded, agreeably. "Alright. Call him up, put him on speaker."

J-Dog felt for his phone, dialing a number and messing with the speaker for a moment. It rung for awhile, and then Danny picked up, "Jorel, are you kidding me? I'm in the middle of something, man!"

"Like what?" J-Dog answered, and then laughed, "The band wants to say hi to you."

"Hey man!"



Silence, and then a girl giggled in the background, and Danny spoke, "Hey." He breathed, "Jorel, what the hell?"

"What the hell? Oh I'll tell you 'what the hell'. We need someone to replace Deuce, and you're the one we are looking for."

"Ooh, who's the lady?" Da Kurlzz.

J-dog looked over at Da Kurlzz and mouthed the words, "shut the f up."

"Who was that?" Danny wondered.

"No one. So is it a yes or a no?"

"I...god I don't know, man. That's a pretty huge leap for me.."

"Come on we need you!" J-Dog groaned, "right guys?"


~Danny's POV~



"Sure, Dog."


Of course he called at the wrong time. Sondra watched me like a hawk as I talked to Jorel, one of my friends since first grade. He was in the band called "Hollywood Undead", and I didn't have the words to say how blessed I was to be told to join their band.

"Alright. Dan-"

"I'm in a Star Bucks right now!" I barely yelled into the phone. Sondra raised an eyebrow.

"So? You were on American Idol."

"He was in American Idol?" Another one of the guys, "That's Sick!"

I looked around with a sigh, and luckily no one was around except for the workers, Sondra and I.

"Jorel, I'm going to just for you, you f*cker." I say, and I look outside, out at the rain as it painted the sidewalk a different shade of gray. Clearing my throat, I had the courage to sing,
"I don't mind,
That I don't mind,
I don't mind the rain,
The simple things,
And subtleties,
They always stay the same.
I don't mind,
That I don't mind,
No, I don't mind the rain,
Like a widows heart,
We fall apart,
But never fade away,
Fade away."

Cheering came from the phone, And Star buck workers applauded with Sondra.

"You're in!" Charlie exclaimed through the phone.

Soon, j-Dog hung the phone up, and I slowly took the phone from my ear, shocked. No. Way.

"What's wrong?" Sondra asked, taking a sip of her frappé.

"Nothing." I don't want to tell her just yet.

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