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Speeding it up a little. Hope you enjoy.

1/2 of a year later (Christmas eve)


Getting some time in with my best friends is nice. Especially for the holidays. Lillian, Cody, and I decided to go to a Starbucks and visit. I invited Danny, since my friends should get to know him more, plus it was the same Starbucks that Daniel brought me to when we met.

Daniel drove us about a block away front the StarBucks, which we happened to park right next to Cody and Lillian. They both got out of the car before we got a chance to get out of ours. Cody had a smile plastered on his face like the joker, and Lillian just stared at him.

Daniel got out before me, shaking hands with My friends. Cody wouldn't let go of his hand, since he knew exactly who he was. After I got out, I walked over to them and hugged them.

"Merry Christmas, doll!" Lillian beamed. I despised how she always called me that. In Fact, that was my name in her contacts; Doll with the with the mask emoji next to it.

"Merry Christmas!"

"What a lovely couple!" Lillain shouted, she touched both of our shoulders, then jumped up and down.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Cody had enough of it so we started to walk down the side walk and around the corner. There was the place we met. That corner of the sidewalk and the cross walk that I once crossed and he crossed, ran into me, then strikes up a conversation as strangers.

Of corse, Lillian stopped, took her phone out, having to take a picture of us right at the corner. Daniel went with it, and held me close to him and smiled. I flashed a smile as she took pictures with her phone.

"I'll send you the photos!" She giggled, then started walking towards the Starbucks sign.

Daniel had his arms around me as we walked. We entered the coffee shop, which was slightly packed, but fairly quiet. Luckily there were no Hollywood Undead fans around. We ordered our drinks and sat down at a booth in the front corner.

A jingle came from the door to ensure the workers that they are getting a customer. Everyone including Daniel glance over at the person who walked in. He shaggy black hair and blue eyes. He wore a shirt with the sleeve cut off and ripped jeans and Vans. His left are me tattooed crazily. Daniel stood up quickly.

"Jeff!" Danny exclaimed, walking over to the guy.

"It's Shady Jeff!" Cody quietly said.

"Yo! What's up? I haven't seen you in forever!" Jeff hugged the crap out of Daniel.

"Just went out with Sondra over there," Danny points at me, "and some of her friends."

"Ooh, a lady friend?" Jeff smirked and walked over to the table, reaching his hand out towards me. I shook it with a smile.

Daniel side-hugged me while he was standing and I was sitting at the both. He softly rubbed my back, which made me smile widely.

"It's been so long, man."

"So long." Jeff chuckled sitting next to Lillian. Shady made goggly eyes at her, and she scoffed then giggled afterward. Lily turned away, making Shady focus on Daniel.

Danny leaned closer to me. Jeff was a really nice guy. He told us on how he became a mechanic a few years after he quit Hollywood Undead. In surprises the group doesn't have him come over and hang ever..

"You should come hang with the others and I. I bet they would be glad to see you." Daniel smiled.

Jeff pointed at Lillian, "Only if this lovely lady is there." He leans over flirting with Lillian, and Lillian moved away, laughing.

"You're such a flirt." I giggle as Danny slides back in the booth.

"I'll be back. I'm getting a drink." Jeff slid out quickly, and walked to the front desk.

Kiss My Mask. (Hollywood undead)-DannyWhere stories live. Discover now