Song Lyrics Are Truthful.

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It was like I sobered up in the passed 10 minutes. I was upset. I didn't know if I felt angry or sad. FunnyMan was acting like it never happened. Oh, but it did, he knew it too. He peered over at me every 30 seconds to see if I was fine. No, I was not fine!

The urge to kick Dylan's ass was unbelievable. When I stood there by myself, we made eye contact. I glared. That's it.


~Johnny 3 Years~

Danny trudged over quickly towards Dylan, his teeth clenched and his fists clenched. It's like something snapped inside of him. He threw a fist at Funny's face. Dylan dodged. Danny decided to tackle him.

"You ass!" Once they hit the ground, Dylan sat up slightly but Danny threw him back on the ground. FunnyMan coughed.

"I'm- I'm sorry, man! I couldn't control myself. I was drunk!" Dylan wheezed, nervously laughing out of breath.

"What's going on, you asinine morons?!" I shout at them, picking Danny up by the collar of his shirt with a glare. There was always something that was going on after the concert.

"F*cking Dylan made out with Sondra!" Danny yelled.

My head snapped over to FunnyMan. He lay there on the ground, panting. He was drunk, but why would his drunk brain think that? "You what?!"

"I didn't-- I didn't mean to!" He exclaims, I roll my eyes.

"She kissed back.." Danny murmurs, so quiet I could hardly hear what he said.

His heart was shattered. I could see it in his eyes, his words, everything. There were no words that Could escape my mouth about it. Daniel found his way back to her, but she left.


The hotel room was cold. Maybe it was because I was still breaking down. Nope. It was because the AC was on. Epiphany was stuck in my head. Why did it have to come on during that time? I flopped onto my bed as if it was the last flop a fish would make before dying out of water.

I looked up at the ceiling, plugging earbuds in and putting one in my ear. "Call Me" by ShineDown played.

"Call me a sinner, call me a saint
Tell me it's over I'll still love you the same
Call me your favorite, call me the worst
Tell me it's over I don't want you to hurt
It's all that I can say. So, I'll be on my way.."

Song lyrics were truthful. A tear rolled down towards my ear, but I wiped it away. I'm going to call Daniel.

I took the earbud out, then found his number in my contacts. I pressed it, then put the phone up to my ear. It rang forever, but stopped.

"Hello?" Danny's voice sounded through the phone.

"Listen.. I'm sorry." I confess, sniffling.

"You kissed him back.." Daniel says, his voice goes hoarse.

"I thought he was you."

"No you didn't.."

"Yes I did! I was too drunk to even see straight.. How many times do I have to tell you?" I sob, then try to keep myself together.

"We will talk more when I get to the hotel." I can hear him take a deep shaky breath.

"Love you-" I say, then he hangs up, cutting me off.

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