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I was breathless.

It was Daniel Murillo.

"Daniel.." I spit out, and I can feel my heart skip, the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I could hardly speak.

"Yeah?" Daniel says, and J-Dog walks over to pick his mask up.

"Why.. Why did you leave and not tell me?" I ask, J-Dog picks the mask up, then stares at me.

"Daniel, is that--?" J points at me, but Daniel doesn't seem to budge or anything.

Daniel stares at me. His light eyes staring into my soul. It seems as if he sobered up in just that moment. I could tell he felt bad. The sorrow radiated off of him. Finally, he opened his mouth, "Yes. That's Sondra."

"Why did you leave without telling me?" I ask.

"I wanted to start out new. I left everything behind, except family and these 5 guys." He answers looking down.

"You told me you told her, Danny." J-Dog took his mask off. He stared at Daniel.

"I'm sorry."

I hesitated, I couldn't breath. But I knew what I had to say.

"If you want to leave everything behind, then you can. Including me. It's ridiculous that you didn't call me, text me, hang out with me.. Or tell me that you were joining Hollywood Undead and moving across LA." Tears burn my eyes.

"You don't understand, Sondra." He said.

"No, you don't understand," I snap, choking back the tears, "You'll just have to suffer the consequences."

A tear escapes my eye, and I turn around and start to walk over to Cody and Lillain. J-Dog cursed at Daniel, after taking a couple steps, Danny turned me around and pulled me into a tight, warming embrace.

"I'm sorry.." He said quietly, "I never forgot about you. Never in my life."

I sniffled, burying my face into his chest that smelt like cologne and light cigarette smoke. Another tear fell, and I felt it soak into his shirt.

"I'm sorry." He repeats, smoothing my hair as he hugged me.

I still couldn't breath. Lillian whispered to Danny, "We gotta go."

"Then I'll take her home." Daniel insisted, comforting me.

"Be safe." Lillian patted my back and I heard Cody and her walk off.



There was a knife in my chest that I couldn't seem to get out. Butterflies are ate at my stomach. Why could I have done this to her? If I could, I'd go back in time to tell her that I'm leaving, and joining HU. But it was too late. We learn from our mistakes, and that was what I was doing right now.

J-Dog decided to drive us home, since I was still a bit out of it. I sat in the back with Sondra. We are quiet the whole time. I took her hand. She examined my face.

"I will never decide to do this again." I say, and I hug her close.

Sondra was pale, and my shirt was slightly damp from her tears. She was beautiful, which makes me think more about why the hell I left her. She was amazing. But she didn't know how I felt about her.

J-Dog drove, and messed with his gages as we waited at a stoplight. It was about an hour plus traffic to her house.

"What street again?"

"10th Avenue." She commented quietly.

I take her iPhone from her lap and turn it on. I guess the passcode, and get it right the first time. Sondra smiled, "What are you doing?" She sniffled.

"Putting my number in." I said, typing in my name and number.

I turned it off and put it in her lap. I held her to comfort her.

"Could you come over tomorrow?" I ask her, "You could watch us rehearse possibly?"

"I can do that." She quietly said, smiling.

Minutes passed and J-Dog pulled into her driveway. She got out, and before she closed the door, she smiled at me.

"Bye." I say.


Kiss My Mask. (Hollywood undead)-DannyWhere stories live. Discover now