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We were all so drunk before the concert. Even Sondra was. All of us stumbled around a bit on stage before the concert was about to start. The managers had to set all the stuff up, since we were too busy talking to eachother and being drunk.

Fans started to crowd into a mob. The concert was about to begin. We were jumping around and yelling into the microphone. I could hardly see. Everything was a drone, the crowds screams, the gang talking into their microphones.

I hugged Sondra from behind before we started the first song. The fans had mixed emotions about it. Some were looking at each other frowning, others were like, "Hell yeah, Danny's got a girlfriend!"

We started off with Le Deux, which I hardly even remember performing. The me did Tearing Apart, Undead, Hear Me Now, and a bunch of other ones. FunnyMan stage dived, and Johnny ran into the crowd.


Everything was a blur to me. The members of Hollywood Undead moved on the stage like they were all like the Marvel Superhero, QuickSilver. I was drunk alright, and I wasn't sure which one was Danny just yet.

When the concert was over, I felt myself sober up a bit. I couldn't see that well yet. Danny wrapped his arm around me, then led me offstage.

We got to the limo, and we climbed in. We were the only ones sitting in there for now. The others must've got caught by fans, so they couldn't just ignore them. I turned to face Danny. Before I could react, he kissed me on the lips.

I don't even know why he smelt like weed. It was very strong, and I knew he never has. I didn't really like it, so I opened my eyes. It wasn't Danny.

It was Dylan.

I struggled to pull away, but he just brought me even closer to him. This couldn't be happening.

"Son- Sondra?" I pushed Dylan away and ripped from his grip, then turned to the voice. Danny had his head poked into the limo, staring at me with sad eyes.

"He kissed me!" I confess, pointing a finger in Dylan's face.

"You kissed him back.." Danny's voice crackled, and he moved from the limo door, then came back, this time glaring at me, "Sondra.."

"It's not what it looks like. I didn't mean to!" I crawled over to him. The blur was gone now, and I felt like I was sobering up.

"I don't know." Danny says, looking down.

"I'm so sorry!" Dylan puts his hands up, as if surrendering to the cops.

Why? Oh my god, how could I be so stupid! I think I'm never going to get drunk ever again!

"Just.. Go to the hotel. All the others are signing autographs and stuff. FunnyMan.. Get your ass out here and sign some." Danny's voice said, and Dylan quickly crawled out of the car.
Danny looked at me, then closed the door.

My heart felt like it just shattered and was trying to be put back together. The limo started driving off slowly. I saw Danny watch the limo drive off. I tried keeping the tears back

Was this the end?

" I want to come apart.
or dig myself a little hole inside
your precious heart.."

The song, epiphany by Staind played on the radio. Damn it. Why? Why did this song have to play? The tears started to spill down my cheeks. Danny watched as the Limo drove off. I punched the seat next to me, then bit my thumb.

" 'Cause it's always raining in my head.. Forget all those things I should have said.."

I should've said something.. I'm so dumb. I started to sob now. I had to call him.

Kiss My Mask. (Hollywood undead)-DannyWhere stories live. Discover now