It's Christmas in Hollywood.

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It's Christmas, and we were all celebrating it at my house. I was a bit annoyed at myself, since I didn't get the place picked up or anything. There were presents for everyone under the fake-ass christmas tree for all of them from me, including Sondra. Also the other guys were bringing more, and I bet Jordon was going to bring some wine or something alcoholic over so we could celebrate. The clock read 6:00. Great. I only had about 10 minutes to clean the place up.

I did what I could, including shoving almost everything on the counter in the drawers it belonged to, not making sure it was well organized or anything. Garbage was everywhere, But after awhile it started to disappear when I came around with the trash.

The house looked decent now. Tiger was curled up on the couch arm rest. The little turd was shedding like hell. I scooped him off and carried him into my room. The cat purred for awhile, then started following me out of my room. Damn it. Well, he won't like the Vacuum.

I pulled the vacuum out of the closet and plugged it into the wall. Tiger looked at me so previously. Friggin' idiot. But I loved him so much..

I switched the vacuum on, and the roaring of the thing blocked out any other noise that I could hear. Tiger sat there as I started to vacuum. What the f*ck? I thought he was scared of the vacuum? After vacuuming the carpet up, the couch needed the cleaning from all the damn hair my cat sheds. So I took the suction tube out, and started trailing along the couch, getting every spot of hair off it. Tiger watched curiously, which gave me an idea.

With the vacuum still on and the suction tube in my hand, I sat on the floor, beckoning him to come over. Sure enough he did. I pointed the tube out towards him, and Tiger started to rub his face on it, making it suck on the side of his face. I couldn't help but laugh. He was just so oblivious to it. It was nothing to him.

The door flung open, and in came George, Dylan, Matthew, and Jordon. They stared at me as I bugged my cat.

"What the f*ck are you doing?" Dylan stared at me as if I was doing something wrong and stupid.

"What? He likes it!" I quickly stumble up, turn the vacuum off, unplug it, then wrap the cord up.

"Remember, he has a soft spot for cats." George chuckled examining FunnyMan before sitting on the couch.

"N-No I don't!" I looked at all of them, who started to fill up one of my couches.

They just laughed.


"Hurry up we're going to be late!" Sondra called out from the living room while I fixed my hair which was very untamed. It stuck up like a Mohawk.

"We still have to pick up Jeff, right?" Lillian asked, coming through the door.

"Yeah." Sondra told me that Lillian had a crush on Shady Jeff, which was pretty obvious with yesterday. All they did was flirt the whole time. Poor Cody was basically in the middle of all of it.

"I'm so glad to go home and not deal with this crap." Cody had said when we walked to our cars after walking around forever.

Of course, Shady Got Lillian's number. And I decided to bring Jeff as a surprise for all the others.

I walk out of the bathroom, wearing a nice sweater that was a bit itchy, and new jeans that I bought a couple weeks ago.

We pulled up to Jorel's house, with Jeff still yapping my ear off. Sondra couldn't help but laugh at my facial expression. I parked the car, and climbed out of the drivers side.

The others all piled out, and with the keys I opened the trunk full of presents. Everyone took some, and Sondra grabbed the delicious mashed potatoes she made for today. We made our way up the steps, and without knocking, I loudly broke through the door. Everyone looked at us.

"Sorry we're late, dip-sh*ts!" I joke, setting the presents down. The others followed, and the 5 of them watched. When Shady Jeff walked through, their eyes widened and they all jumped on him.

"JEFF!" The shouted, hugging him. They fell to the ground.

"You mother-loving-f*ckers!" Jeff cackled after they got off him.

"How the hell did this happen?" George asked happily, looking towards me.

"Coffee shop." I nod cockily.

"You went in for a coffee? I thought you didn't like coffee.." Matty.

"Only the frappés." Jeff pointed out, every one shook their heads.

"So are we going to do presents first?" Sondra asked, "Or are we eating?"

All 7 of us stared at eachother. Lillian, Cody, and Sondra just stared at us. Sondra found tiger, and picked him up.


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