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I hope you enjoyed the last chapter! It was pretty intense for me. Heh. Enjoy this one!


It was nice to wake up in the morning with his warm arms wrapped around me. It indicates that he was completely fine through the night. I touched Danny's tatted arm gently, and I turned over to face him. He was awake. He had a black eye, and his lip was a bit swollen. He touched my cheek gently, Daniel's brown eyes looking into mine. I couldn't help but smile. His soft lips touched mine, and he kissed me softly.

"How'd you sleep?" Danny softly asked as his nose brushed my cheek. Chills were sent down my spine.

A member of a famous band had just kissed me for the second time. But when we met, he wasn't that famous. To me he was just a normal guy.


Daniel sat up, got out of bed and glanced at me.


She was beautiful. I'd thought that I'd never see her in this way, but I am right now. Sondra watched me carefully as I took some clothes out of my bag.

"Taking a shower." I say, and she nods.

I walk in and start the shower, then I close the door before I strip down and get in.

After a few minutes, the door flies open, Charlie scene walks into the bathroom like no one was even taking a shower.

"Jordon!" I scream, shielding myself. Of course he decides to leave the door wide open.


"Shut the damn door, you idiot!" I demand. He shakes his head.

Jordon starts to undue his belt so he can pee, and I open the shower door examining the place for towels. What a coincidence. It's across the large f*cking bathroom on a shelf full of them.

"F*ck." I start running across, shielding myself.

Guess what happens next? I f*cking slip on the white tile floor, causing to hit my damn head on the shelves that hold them.


After his business, Jordon zips his pants up and cackles. Footsteps come close to the bathroom and I whip a towel right off the shelf to cover me.

"What was that?!" Sondra peers over at Jordon, who is pointing at me laughing like Nelson Muntz from the Simpsons.

"My head. That's what it was.." I groan, rubbing my head.

"Why the hell did you think about running across the tile floor while you were wet? Haven't you learned about that at the f*cking swimming pool?" Charles laughs, and walks out of the bathroom, shutting the door after Sondra got out.

That was embarrassing.



"My clothes are always retro, sexual like I'm hetero. And I play a bitch like Nintendo--"


"Take her for a ride in my Benzo.." FunnyMan continued to rap, and we laughed as we rode in the bus to the concert.

I stared at Danny, who had his arm around Sondra. He would glance over every so often, then after awhile he found out that I had been staring. I smirked, then made kissy faces at him. Daniel rolled his eyes.


"FunnyMan! Shoulders, now!" I shouted away from the microphone as I walked across the stage to him. The crowd screamed wildly, and the front row reached up like little children wanting up.

Dylan bent down, and as I gave the microphone to Danny, I took a guitar and jumped on his shoulders. He strutted around as he shouted into the mic, while I played my guitar hardcore.

"Where'd you go? Where's your home? How'd you end up all alone? Can you hear me now?!" Danny sang as he bent down over the stage, touching people's hands. HU Soldiers screamed and were drawn closer to the stage.

Damn it Danny.

FunnyMan decided to put me down after awhile, and go crowd surfing. He always did no matter what. Everyone was freaking out, trying to touch him. He got out there pretty far, then soon they brought him back after the guards yelled at them.

I saw Sondra sort of get out of the way while in the crowd, since others were reaching over her for the stage. Danny threw his hand out toward her, and pulled her upstage. The crowd went wild, and away from the microphone I read his lips; "You could just walk around or go backstage."

Boring chapter. Sorry. I've just been thinking on finals and such. I might do some work on my other books. If you want, you can go read those! :) thanks for reading!

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