Tour.. Already?

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The picture up above is of all of them on tour. Yes, I photoshopped Sondra and Shady Jeff into it. :) enjoy.


There was a busy day ahead. We were on the plane to the UK, luckily no one noticed the Hollywood Undead crew. Danny, J-Dog, and Shady Jeff all sat together while the other 4 sat in a row for 4. Jeff was texting Lillian, since I saw her name and the emojicon heart next to it. They just started dating a couple days ago.

Danny took my hand and lifted it up to his lips, softly kissing it. I smiled widely as I rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his head on mine for a second, until his phone buzzed.

Now, the plane hasn't gone yet, and people were still filing on, taking seats and such. We still had service of course.

"Hello?" Daniel answered, looking a bit lost. But then his whole face brightened, almost looking like he was going to scream.

"Rylee!" He exclaimed softly, all smiles. "No.. Um, we will be in the UK for a couple weeks.. Yeah.. Right.. Yup.."

He continued to converse with the person, "Rylee" until he handed the phone over to me. I glanced at Daniel before taking the phone.

"It's my sis. She wants to say hello." Danny smiled.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Oh my god, Sondra! Your voice is so beautiful!! I can't wait to meet you!" A girl squealed through the phone.

"I can't wait to meet you either!" I smile, looking over at Danny, who smiled like the joker.

"I'll be waiting at Danny's house when you guys get home." She giggled.

"Sounds good." I chuckle.

"Can I talk to Danny now please?"

"Yeah." I hand the phone to Danny, and before he could talk, a female voice on the intercom filled the plane.

"Hey, I'll call you when I get to the UK, okay?... Rylee--Rylee I love you too- Rylee I gotta go." He couldn't help but chuckle when he hung up.

"Your sisters it the city?" Jorel asked, very curious.

"Yeah. She will be her for awhile." Danny says.

"It's been awhile.. Like since high school you think?"

"Yeah, J."



We got off the plane, the rain slightly sprinkling on us as we all filed off and walked over to the airport building. I don't know what J-Dog's problem was, but he kept asking questions about Rylee. Like he's said, We both haven't seen her since school. Sondra was visiting with Jeff, who wore a suit for no apparent reason. The other 4 skipped around, Dylan handed a stranger a camera, then pulled us all in front of it for a picture. Jorel of course, just crossed his arms and looked at the camera, not even smiling. Something caught Jeff's eye, so he didn't look at the camera. The flash went off before I knew it. I didn't even smile! Sondra looked at me with a upset look, since I'm guessing she didn't smile either. The guy gave the camera back to FunnyMan, and we carried on to the luggage part of the airport.

The concert was in an hour, so I didn't think I had enough time to call Rylee. We had to check into the hotel, also be at the concert 30 minutes early.

~30 minutes later~

I could see how nervous Sondra was. Johnny had handed her a mic, and when she reached out for it, she was shaking a bit. I walked over, and hugged her.

"We have 30 more minutes, Hun.. Just try to calm down."

I was a bit nervous myself. What if she chickens out when we sing the song? What if we get booed off stage? I know that won't happen.. But anything is possible.

"You'll be great." Da Kurlzz and Charlie walked over, smiling.

"Yeah. Way better than Gay-Wad over here." Charlie nodded his head over at Matty.


Sondra laughed, and pulled away and peered up at me, "I'll be fine?"

"Of course you'll be fine!"


"Like I said, better than--"

"Shut up.." Kurlzz snapped.

Charlie pushed him away, making him topple over and slide across the stage. Kurlzz quickly stumbled up and ran after Jordon. The acted like a couple of children.. Jordon ran around the stage, freaking out.

"No! Ah! Agh! " Charles laughed as he ran. His shorts started to sag as the guy ran in circles getting chased by Matthew.

Sondra giggled at them, and the others watched. Soon, his but showed and he quickly pulled his shorts up before they could fall to his ankles. Sondra and I laughed hard. I almost fell over.

Jordon finally came to a halt, and Kurlzz tackled him. "You some of a bitch!" Jordon continued to laugh.

"Everything's set up and ready to go." Jeff says, taking a microphone from a stand.

Fans began to show up, finding a place where they wanted to stand and rock out. Soon the whole auditorium was filled with people screaming and celebrating, so I decided to wave at all of them. They went wild. I took Sondra's hand, pulling her over, "This is Sondra Calvert everyone!"

Everyone whooped and hollered. Jeff walked over like a pimp and screamed into his mic, "Guess who's back?! Back again? Shady'a back! Hell yeah!"

The crowd was even more loud. Sondra smiled and blushes, and I kissed her forehead, making the crowd scream. Away from the microphone, I asked, "Tearing Apart first?"

"Yeah. I can do that." Sondra said, smiling. It's as if all the worry and nervousness drained from her.

I touched her cheek, "Alright."

The music began to play, making the mob of fans notice what song was playing. They became quiet, ready for us to perform.

"You asked if I'd give us a chance,
But this love could not be.
Although my heart was screaming,
You were not right for me.
Perhaps another time or place,
Perhaps another world?" Sondra sang, and I looked at the crowd before it was my turn.

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