I Love You.

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The beach was a great place to go after our early dinner. I'm glad it was just a Sondra and I night. We would always have the guys with us everywhere we went, since they act like a bunch of f*cking kids who want to tag along and be involved.

Sondra needed to know about a lot of things. First, "Tearing Apart" was a complete hit, and soon the song was going to be on the radio. Second, Jeff and Sondra would be touring with us. Touring takes about a month to finish, and Sondra won't be used to leaving home for that long. Also, the guys wanted to leave early for tour, I'm not sure if she wanted to.

I pull on a nice red button up shirt, and black jeans. I fix my hair, and spray some cologne on. Looking good, I think, walking into the living room. It's great going on a date with Sondra. I'm looking forward to it.



I looked at myself in the mirror. Why the hell am I wearing a dress? I don't even like dresses. But.. I actually looked good in this one.

It was a Grey strapless dress with a black bow around the waist. I couldn't help but wear my vans with it. They matched pretty well. I made sure I wore the Christian cross necklace from Danny.

A honk came from outside. Daniel. I took my wallet from the dresser it was laying on and walked out the door. I saw Daniel smile at me genuinely when I got in the car.

"Well, aren't you pretty." He smiled, and winked.

I couldn't help but kiss him.

A couple minutes later, we got stuck in traffic. It always seemed to happen to us, well.. Daniel. We decided to make fun of others driving next to us or behind us. Of course with my luck, I discovered a man picking his nose and eating it. He was too old to do that crap. Cringing and shuddering, I told Danny. He couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh my god!" Daniel laughed, "What the f*ck?"

"I dunno."

"That's friggin hilarious." He snorted, making me giggle. His cheeks got rosy afterward.

We walked along the shoreline just as the sun started to set. The crashing of the waves made the walk peaceful, plus there was a bonus of the beach being vacant. Daniel held my hand, our fingers laced. We both held our socks and shoes as the ocean water crawled up the sand and over our feet.

"The guys want to leave for tour early." Daniel said softly. He told me this yesterday.

"I know. You told me that before."

Danny stopped, facing me, "Do you want to go early?"

"I honestly don't care. I'm going when you are."

"You make things so complicated sometimes." Danny teased, touching my cheek. I leaned into it. He stared at me, "Tearing Apart is a hit. It'll be heard on the radio soon."

"What?! You're kidding me?!" I exclaim. That's crazy. Oh my god.

"People love your voice, Sondra. Look at the votes in iTunes. 'The girls voice.. It's so amazing! Will she be touring with you guys?' And so on.." Daniel kept looking into my eyes. I peered back into his chocolate eyes.

"My voice isn't that great.."

"Oh shut up." He smiled, making me chuckle. Danny leaned his forehead against mine, and closed his eyes. I did the same, since I didn't want to make it awkward for him when he opened them again. His lips pressed against mine, and he pulled away after kissing me, "Sondra?"


"I love you." Danny whispers, his nose brushing softly across my cheek. I opened my eyes. His eyes were still closed, and he held the back of my head, then pulled me close.

Daniel Murillo loves me.

"I love you too."

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