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Our breakfast consisted of bacon, eggs, waffles with fruit, and a mug of beer (of course, it was Charlie's beer).The waitress despised Jordon, just by the looks she would give him. It had to be because he was an alcoholic.

Or maybe it was just the way he examined her.

She now had a reason.

Daniel was outside talking on the phone to his sister. Sondra sat awkwardly as she ate her waffles. She's our friend. Sony shouldn't act like this around us.

"We're your friends just so you know." I say, clearing my throat, "You don't have to sit there and be quiet."

"Yeah, jeez Sondra." Jeff joked, snorting a bit.

"What the hell was that?" Matty asked, his mouthful of eggs.

"What he said." George nodded his head over at Matthew. Funny nodded as he chewed his food quickly.

I removed my "DEAD" cap and scratched my head, then put it back on. I took a drink of OJ, then a bite of bacon after I swallowed the juice down. It was nice and crispy, but a little too greasy. I made a disgusted face.

"Just.. A snort?" Shady Jeff raised an eyebrow, his voice a bit gruff.

"Guys, the bacon is too greasy." I say, sort of interrupting.

"It sounded like you just hocked a loogie." FunnyMan announces, not even acknowledging me.


"It's because you're an idiot." Jeff emphasizes, sticking his tongue out.

"Bacon's too greasy." Jordon denoted disgustedly.

My head snapped towards his direction. I glared at him. He just stole the words out of my mouth. The guys looked at each other. Sondra but her lip, a bit confused.

"Hey, Fag-Face would you not steal the f*cking words out of my mouth?" I snarl, sending a glare at Charlie. Everyone stared at me, and Matty snorted which was followed by a laugh.

Kurlzz pointed a greasy finger at him, "You got called Fag-Face!" He says in a song-song voice, the others chuckle.

Danny walked in, shoving his phone in his pocket, sitting in the chair next to Sondra, then examining us.

Charlie looked a bit butt-hurt, then started to eat again. That'll shut him the f*ck up.

"Rylee is uh," Danny made sure he had our attention. "Coming in a taxi from the airport to here."

"Really?" Sondra asked enthusiastically, her eyes widening a bit as she chewed her last bite of waffle.





"Wow.. I haven't seen her in forever!" George exclaimed.

"I bet she's hotter than you, Danny." I coughed, wishing I hadn't said that.

Everyone peered over at me.

"Oh, now I get your God-damn attention?!" I stand up, throwing my hands up in the air. Other customers turned their head and stared at me. Even a waitress or two peered over at me, "It's about time."

I took a seat, and Matty nudged me smirking. Oh my lord! These idiots had no idea--

"I'm kidding!" I shout at them, Kurlzz jumps."

Johnny coughed, "I knew that."

"No you didn't." I snap.

"You're right." George answers. The others nod.

"Is everything okay?" I look over my shoulder. Rylee stands there with her bag over her shoulder, her brunette hair up in a bun. She wore a base-ball Tee with a pocket on the left side or it, and black jeans.

"Everything's fine." I say quietly, turning back to my plate.

She sat between Danny and I, "I missed you guys!" She hugged Danny and I. She smelt like some type of Bath and BodyWorks perfume.


I swear to god, my sister was high off of something. She was always hyper, energetic. Jorel looked like he was going to pull his hair out from how fast she was talking. Sondra and I exchanged looks, then after awhile, we started to mouth stuff to each other.

"What is she doing?" Sondra lipped.

"No idea. If it was drugs, they would've found it in her luggage."


We walked down the sidewalk down town. Rylee jabbered on. Johnny caught up with me.

"She's always been like this, hasn't she?" George asks, his voice a bit scared. It amused me.


"Candy shop!" Rylee practically screamed, Jorel covered his ears and flinched.

"No, I'm not buying you any f*cking candy! You know how much that sh*t is?! It's a fortune!" I exclaim, if I hadn't, she wouldn't have heard me.

"No!" Rylee scoffed.

"We're not in America. It's more here." I groaned, pushing her passed the candy shop. This is going to be a long day..

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