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My other fan fictions will be updated quickly, so if you ever need another HU fanfic you may go read my other ones!!


I felt her tense as I touched her sides. It was like I couldn't control myself. After a few, i lifted her shirt off, but she pulled it down.

"I can't.." She looked at me a bit shook up.

"Sorry. I'm sorry.. I was just.."



"I'm not ready.." I say, and he touches my cheek as if he understands. After awhile, he pulled me close to him, cuddling me.

"Im sorry." He said once again.

"It's alright." I say.

That's when I blacked out.


I woke up in the morning with Danny nowhere to be seen in the room. My head pounded as if my brain was trying to get free from my skull. I felt very nauseous, also unable to get up.

But I had to get up. I jumped up, and sprinted into the bathroom toward the toilet. Luckily, I reached it in time, and heaved until finally something got out of my stomach. Loud, hurried footsteps drew close.

Seconds passed, still throwing up, I felt hands hold my hair back from my face. My whole body shook.

"You'll be fine, sweetheart.." Danny soothed as he rubbed my back.

"Holy sh*t." Was all I could say before i hurled more into the toilet.

"You're lucky it didn't get in your hair.." Danny chuckled lightly when I arose, making my way to the sink to brush my teeth.

He took some ibuprofen out of his bag and handed two to me, then filled a paper cup with some of the sink water. There were bottled waters there, but you had to buy them.

"The f*ck.." I saw Daniel stare at the bottles when he handed me the cup of water, "There's free water right here," he turned the sink on, as if he was showing the people who owned Caesars Palace, "you dip-shits."


It rung in my head, making my head hurt even worse. I cracked a smile and giggled, but winced afterward.

"You should go lay down.. You're pale and I bet your head is throbbing." Danny picked me up bridal style, carrying me to the bed.

He was right. My head was more than throbbing. I'm never ever drinking like that again. Freaking hangovers..

"Banana Pancakes" by Jack Johnson was playing in the other room. It was delicate, Danny didn't seem like the type of guy to listen to that type of music. He just got even more attractive.



"SHUT UP!" I yell back from the bunks, still trying to get rid of the migraine I had from the hangover. We were on the bus, and my stomach was starting to twist and turn.

Danny was asleep next to me, so he made me almost hand off the bed. Gladly, he was holding onto me like a TeddyBear. The other 5 whispered. They were being gossip girls. Idiots.

Very off topic, but I wonder if Danny can remember on what happened last night. 'Cause I sure as hell can't. There was dancing, but then my mind went blank in for the rest of the night.

I turned around slowly, then press my lips softly against his. Daniel stirs, after blinking several times, he gazing into my eyes and smiled. His hand gently rubbed my back as he held onto me.

"Do you remember anything at all from last night?" I ask.

"Only when Charlie decided to show his weenie, which I wish that I hadn't."

Umm.. Okay.. Well, I guess we are both clueless on last night. All I know is that it was am awesome party.

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