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So this picture above is my drawing of Johnny 3 Tears, FunnyMan, and Da Kurlzz. Johnny liked the photo on Instagram.


Of course it was pouring rain when we got there. Everyone spent the day in our hotel rooms, watching movies and listening to the pitter-patter of the droplets hit the windows. Danny was taking a nap, so I was the only one awake in the room. I found myself staring out the only window in the room. The clouds caked the sky, looking like black fluffy cotton. There was no sign of the blue sky.

Sometimes I'd have to wipe the fog from my breath to peer out. Other times it was just from the room being so warm. I drew a smiley face once, but gently wiped it away.

What a boring day.

Maybe I should just curl up beside Daniel and take a little nap with him.. Nah, it was too hard to do that. My body would always find it complicated to take naps, even if I was tired. It was like I couldn't take naps!

A soft knock came from the door. Making my way over to it, I peered in the peep hole, seeing George in his swim trunks. There must've been a pool here.. Good thing I packed a swim suit.

I opened the door, and I put my fingers to my lips to notify that My love was sleeping peacefully.

"All of us are going to go swim," Johnny whispers, looking in. "I'm guessing DannyBoy is sleeping?"

I nod, "Proceed."

"Anyways, there's this big ass pool with a big ass slide and you can ride inner-tubes down it!" George whisper shouts, seeming like he's never seen anything like it before. Why did he act like this? He was a very big guy, Johnny shouldn't act like a 4 year old.

"So, you want me to come?" I ask quietly. He nods.

"I'll be down in a few then." I say, nodding and closing the door. I take one of the small note pads and I write a note for Danny in case he wakes up and I'm gone:

"Went down to the pool with the others. Johnny was acting more kiddish than his daughter Ava. Oh Johnny.. Anyways, If we're still down there, I'm wanting you to come join us.


I made sure to take my necklace off, then I went rummaging through my bag for my red and purple bikini. It was at the bottom of the case. After I pulled the two pieces out, I went to the bathroom and changed into it. Hopefully it was an inside pool.

I grabbed on of the white towels that were hanging above the toilet and walked to the door with it wrapped around me. Johnny was outside waiting for me as I opened the door. We started walking down the hall barefooted.

"So, how's it going?" George looked down at me as we got to the elevator. He pressed the down button, then we waited for the doors to open.


"Excited for tomorrow? We're going to Bristol." George smiled widely. The doors opened and he go in the elevator.

"I'm still getting used to the singing." I say, pressing the first floor button.

"Everyone's going to love you no matter what, you know that right?" He says. The elevator jerks to a stop, and the door opens. George walked out, "I've been drunk on stage tons of times. I even fell off stage once."

I couldn't help but giggle. George was so open, he'd tell you almost anything about his private life. The others were somewhat like that, but Johnny was one who was never afraid.

George opened the door to the pool, and of course it was outside. J-Dog sat in the water, looking at the tube slide, waiting for someone to pop out of it in their inner tube. George ran up to the steps and went up. I jumped in the pool. It was heated (thank the lord), when I popped back up an inner tube hit me in the face and FunnyMan popped out in front of me. He shook his head, and his hair flopped around. The water flicked at my face.

Sorry for the abrupt ending. I hope you liked this chapter though! Please comment if you want!

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