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"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." ~ Robin Williams

May he rest in peace.

~J-Dog's POV~

"Damn! His voice was kick ass!" Charlie Scene exclaimed surprisingly.

"I still want to know who the lady was." Matthew said with a sigh.

"She wouldn't want you, man."

"Naw, she'd be all over me." Da Kurlzz chuckled, and I rolled my eyes. Yeah right.

Charlie watched with Johnny 3 as we argued over nothing. Funny Man was in the bathroom, taking a crap. That man always took a shit in Charlie's house. He thought he was being "funny" for doing such a thing.

"Is Dylan alive?" I asked, looking over at Jordon and George.

Jordon shrugged, and then a shuffling came from the other room, "Yeah! I'm alive!"

I wiped my forehead as if I was wiping sweat off it, "Phew! I thought you were dead!" Later, the toilet flushed, the sink ran for a moment, then Funny came out.

Danny should be over any minute. He promised that he would come see the gang today, all his other days were occupied. It's been about a week the last time I seen him.

All of us sat quietly, Johnny turned on the tv and flipped through the channels searching for MTV. That was all we watched together. MTV.

The door swung open, and Danny barged in as if he owned the place. He had never been here before, but Charlie told him to act like it was his house as he did so with all of us. He quickly closed the door, and pulled his hood off that was resting over his head. I jumped up to give him a knuckle bump, and then a hug. The other guys waited their turn, introducing themselves and then hugging him.

Then it was Jordon's turn. Instead, he did a hand shake with him, instructing him on what to do, the final of the hand shake was to flip each other off. Daniel laughed, and Charlie brought him into a hug, patting his back.

Danny cleared his throat, "I'm just, uh, gonna use the restroom." He looked around, and discovered it in the hall.

"Uh.. I wouldn't-" Funny cut himself off as he watched Danny peek his head in the bathroom and cough, a kind of gagging sound following it.

"Holy shit! What the hell?" Daniel walked back in the living room, watching us all as we laughed.

Dylan was the only one not to laugh, "I'm sorry man. I tried stopping you."

"What did you eat?! Death?"

We laughed harder, and I walked over to him, slapping him on the back. Danny has always been sarcastic when it came to something horrible that happened to him. He wasn't a man who would hold a grudge.

Daniel joined in, walking over to Dylan and grabbing his shoulder in a friendly way, "I like this man!" Danny laughed.

"Funny Man always craps in my bathroom. I think he holds it in until he gets to my house."

"It's a gift." Funny bowed, and Danny laughed.



"So, the lady's name?" Da Kurlzz asked me.

"Her name's Sondra." I answered.

"Mmm.." Da Kurlzz said, and I saw Dylan shake his head.

"You idiot! Sondra isn't yours!"

I watched as J-Dog and Da Kurlzz fought. Sondra and I were just friends. We have been hanging out together a lot lately, it was very obsessive.

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