But we just got here..

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I was tired. The concert had worn me out, and I still wanted to sleep.it didn't help that the sun was shining in the hotel window. I tried to get comfy, and I accidentally kicked Daniel. He wrapped an arm around me, softly kissing my head as I tried to get some more sleep. Danny pulled me closer to him, then buried his face in the back of my neck. A chill was sent down my spine. I couldn't help but smile.

"Good morning." Danny whispers, his warm breath was felt in my neck.

"Morning." I say, opening my eyes finally.

His lips touched my neck, and he started kissing it softly. I smiled even more, "What do you want to do today?"

I turned to face him, "I don't know. You pick."

"Hmm.. Making out sounds good to me." Danny closes his eyes and softly presses his lips against mine.

I kissed him back before he pulled away quickly and kissed even harder. He touched my cheek as we kissed, and there was a pound at the door.

"Guys!! It's Lillian! She- She got in a wreck!" Jeff practically yelled. I pulled away, looking at my phone as Daniel opened the door.

5 missed calls from Cody.. But my phone was on vibrate.. That's probably why I missed them.

"She's in critical condition.. She could.. Lillian could die." Jeff choked on his words, and I stared at him, shocked.

I felt the tears burn my eyes. Lillian was alive, but like Jeff said, it could lead to death. Danny walked over to comfort me, which just made it worse.

"We have to go back!" I pull away slowly from Daniel's grip looking at him.

George walked into the room, patting Jeff's back. Sorrow was in his eyes, and he sighed. "We should." George said.


The plane ride to LA was quiet. Shady Jeff looked like he was going to loose it at any moment, and Sondra just finished shedding a tear or two. Danny held Sondra close. The plane landed smoothly as I looked out the window. It was a very sunny day. It may have been the same in the United Kingdoms, making it a perfect climate we could walk around town in.

But, Lillian was more important. She was like a sister to me, and seeing two of my friends frightened over the wreck was very understanding. We needed to go as soon as possible.

Our managers held onto our luggage as we piled into a taxi van. Danny sat with Sondra, quietly humming as the van started its short journey to the hospital.

After about 5 minutes, we got to the hospital. Everyone hurried in, and Jeff asked for Lillian's room number. The doctors and nurses said that it would be awhile until we could visit, since they are doing surgeries. Cody was sitting in the waiting room, fiddling with his fingers. We walked over to sit with him.

"I hope she's okay.." He was shaking, I gave him a friendly hug.

"She'll be fine, man. I feel it in my guts."

"Heh." Is all he said, and went on fiddling with his fingers.

Jeff sat across from me. Staring at the floor. I wonder what he was thinking.. Probably the bad out of the good. He wouldn't even blink, the guy was so focused on the floor.

Sondra sat on Daniel's lap while he massaged her shoulders. She had her eyes closed and her neck rolled around a bit. This was depressing..

Hours passed, and I felt myself nod off. I kept lifting my head up, struggling to stay awake. Cody tapped my shoulder lightly, and I sleepily peered over.

"Hmm?" I say, ready to pass out.

Everyone was listening to a nurse.

"You all are able to see Lillian now, but please let her get some rest. She may not remember you all off the bat, so please, take it easy on her." The nurse quietly said, smiling and acting like it was very nice to have her in this state.

Sorry, short chapter. I'm going to be updating slowly.. School starts tomorrow.. Yay..

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