Chapter 1

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This chapter is just gonna be your backstory and information about you. 

This is a Bakugo x Female Reader book

(y/n) = Your Name

(f/n)= First Name

(l/n)= Last Name

(e/c)= Eye Color

(h/c)= Hair Color

(f/c)=Favriote Color 

You're 16 like everyone else at UA. You were childhood friends with Bakugo and Deku. You left when you were 10 because your family moved away. At 14 you got emancipated and moved out and back to your childhood neighborhood to go to UA. No one other than you and your parents knows you got emancipated. You got emancipated because your parents abused you. They were so dead set on you being number one that if you ever messed up or were "weak" they beat you. Your apartment that you live in is paid for by your parents (though to your knowledge at least they don't know where it is)  by the court ruling as well as you get a certain amount of money from them a month to live off of. So you don't have a job. (Not sure if in that is how emancipation truly works but for the sake of the story it does.) No one other than the court, you, select school staff that need to know and your parents know you were abused, emancipated, or live on your own. 

Your quirk is the 4 elements here is an outline of what you can do with each element:

Water: You can gather water from the air, nearby sources, or directly from your body and use it to form/produce water. You can change the temperature of water you produce or water in the nearby area making it boil or freeze, boiling it is easier if it is hotter, while freezing is easier when it's colder, though you can do both whatever temperature it is. Because you can freeze water instantly and you can change the temperature of the water you produce. This also kinda doubles as an ice quirk. You can create domes of water around you and you can freeze them to give them more strength. If you use this power too much you can get dehydrated, sometimes to the point of passing out or if it's too bad dying. Your water power is stronger and harder to control when you are sad.

Fire: You can produce fire. As well as set yourself on fire. When you set yourself on fire if its to hot it can burn off your clothes. Hence why in your hero costume parts of it are fireproof, the reason it can't all be is that the fire comes directly from your body so if all your clothes were fireproof you couldn't use it to cover yourself. The fire is easier to use the hotter it is. Your own fire can't hurt you (unless it's overused as talked about below) but other peoples can. You can control how hot the fire is which can result in it changing color. But the hotter you want the fire the more power it takes. Your fire is stronger and harder to control when you are mad or angry. If you are really angry sometimes your eyes will turn red and look like they are on fire. If you use the fire too much you can overheat,  sometimes to the point of leaving burns marks, singeing hair, or even setting nearby things on fire. You can also pass out or even dying.

Earth: You can move the ground, making it shoot up, shake, or even lower, or form a hole. You can also if you make the earth shoot up to form it into pretty much whatever shape you want. You can grow plants such as trees, vines, grass, flowers, etc. You can grow them pretty much anywhere you want except not of living creatures. You can also stop them at any stage of their growth. As well as you can cover any part of your body in stone.  It's easier to use when you are outdoor. If you overuse the powers you can lose your balance, sometimes to the point where you can't stand up. When you are scared it's stronger and harder to control.

Air: You can control and move the air. You can also produce air/wind, including in the form of tornados or extremely strong winds. You can also pretty much cover yourself in tiny tornados to make wind armor. The more open space (especially outside) and the more airflow the easier it is to use it. If you overuse the power you can knock the air out of yourself, or even have difficulty breathing. When you are annoyed it gets stronger and harder to control. 

Here is your hero costume (Your underwear and bra are also always fireproof):

It does show a decent amount of skin. But it kinda has to. All your powers come directly from your body and can be used from any part of it. So more clothing limits the power as well as to much can make certain parts impossible to use. And your powers are capable of ripping your clothes anyway most of the time, so yeah.

I know you can do a lot and it may seem overpowered but they each have consequences. I will do my best to make sure it's not overpowered. Plus the idea that it's connected to your emotions a bit which can make it hard to control. Like I said I will do my best to not make it overpowered and if I do please feel free to kindly call me on it so I can change it in the future. Same with anything else! Kind constructive criticism is always welcome! 

Also, my updates aren't on a schedule. I try to update often but I do go through phases of having great ideas and loving writing as well as times where I don't have ideas and don't want to write. So I hope you understand! This is also my first x reader book! So sorry if it sucks. But I hope you enjoy! 

AFTER ALL THESE YEAR'S YOU'RE BACK?!? (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now