Chapter 13

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(Mild sexual assault warring)

Your POV

We get to Ura's house. I check the time. 4 pm. We decide we have time so we make some popcorn and sit down and start binging Netflix. 

-----Time Skip-----

I check the time. It's 8:25 pm. "Hey Ura, We have a little over a hour till the guys get here. We should probably start getting ready!" I say putting my phone down. "Yeah probably" She say pausing the show and turning off the TV.  Ura uses her bedroom to get ready and she lets me use the bathroom to get ready.  Before I go to get ready Ura lets me borrow a little black bag that has a gold chain. So we both separate to get ready.  Ura's look was pink and silver themed. 

(Here are the different pieces in a collage I made of Ura's sorry it kinda sucks):

(Here are the different pieces in a collage I made of Ura's sorry it kinda sucks):

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My outfit, however, is a black and gold theme.

(Here is the collage I made for your outfit): 

I am just finishing up my makeup when I hear a knock on the door

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I am just finishing up my makeup when I hear a knock on the door. I hear Ura go downstairs and get the door. Then I hear them start chatting. I guess the guys are here. "(Y/N) GET DOWN HERE THE GUYS ARE HERE!!!" I here Ura yell up. I giggle a little and quickly finish getting ready and shove the stuff I need in the bag Ura let me borrow. I grab the rest of my stuff. I leave the bathroom and drop my extra stuff in Ura's room where she told me I could drop my stuff. I then head to the stairs. I walk down them and join the group. Deku is wearing blue jeans with a back hoodie. Kiri is wearing gray jeans a red t-shirt and a black jean jacket. Suki is wearing ripped black jeans, a gray v-neck, and a black leather jacket. "Damn you looking goooooood!" Ura says giggling and hip bumping me. "You too! You queen!" I say giggling a little. "Ready to go?" I ask the group. They all nod. "Then let's go!" Ura says smiling. We all walk out the door, and Ura locks it behind us. We head to the party.

-----Time Skip-----

We arive at the party. We are stand outside for a minute. "So this is going to be a pretty big party. Everyone try to stay with at least one other person if not the entire group and if you get sperated everyone keep your phone on you so we can contact eachother." Ura says. "Sounds good!" I say and we all nod. We all walk up to the door. We show the bouncer the flyer and we each pay the 10$ to get in. We walk in. The music is blasting and there are colored lights and crowds of people dancing. I spot the makeshift bar in the back. "Hey guys the drinks are in the back. Wanna go get drinks? It looks like there are soda's too, if you guys don't want to drink alcohol." I say shouting over the music. They all nod. We make our way through the crowd to the bar. Nothing like good old highschool parties. We get to the bar. Suki, Kiri, and I each grab a beer (Sorry if underage drinking bugs you. ), while Ura and Deku grab a soda each. "Guys! Lets go dance!" Ura says bouncing a little. I giggle a little. "Yeah! Lets go!" Suki groans a little. But the group migrates to the dance floor. Me, Ura, and Kiri are jumping and dancing and having a great time. Deku is bopping a little but not going completly crazy. He seems to be nervous about something. Suki seems resisitae. But after a little bit all 5 of us are jumping and dancing and having a great time. After some more dancing and a few more drinks Ura pulls me aside. "Hey (y/n), I need to use the restroom. Will you come with me?" She asks. "Of course!" I say smiling. We walk towards the bathroom. Outside of the bathroom two guys stop us. One with black hair and the other one with brown. "Heyyyyy, are you fine ladies here with anyone?" The brown haired one says when they both walk towards us, until they are uncomfortably close. "Umm yeah, we are here with a bunch of friends..." I say cautiously. "Well nice to hear neither of you are here with a boyfriend, 'cause that means you two can spend some time with us~" The one with black hair says says, the black haired one puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him until we are touching, and the brown haired one does the same to Ura. I look over and see Ura freaking out and not exactly knowing what to do. Ok these bastards need to back the fuck off!  I push the black haired dude away from me. "Ok 1. Neither of us are interested! and 2. You both need to back the fuck off and learn some manners before I make you regret it!" I say in a very serious tone pulling Ura away from the brown haired guy. "And what is a little bitch like you gonna do?!?" The black haired one say moving back towards me. I set my hands on fire. "This bitch is going to burn you so bad no one can even see your face anymore!" I yell. The black haired one laughs a little. "Yeah that may be helpful, that is if you could even use your quirk!" He says. "Wh-" I start to say. But then he touches me and my flames go out. DAMN IT! It must be anyone he touches he removes their quirk as long as he is in contact with them! So that means I just have to stay out of his grip... I try breaking away from the guy. But the brown haired guy stops me, by, breathing in my face...? Suddenly I can't move any of my limbs they all go limp. "Our quirks work pretty well togethe I would say. With Drake here being able to eraser your quirk by touching you, and my breath making your limbs go limp, there is no way for you to fight back." The brown haired one says smirking. The brown haired one makes Ura go limp to. Then they drag us to a back room. "LET US GO YOU BASTARDS!!!!" I scream infuriated. Next thing I know they start messing with our clothes trying to strip us. "I THINK THE FUCK YOU DON'T BASTARDS!! DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!" I scream. But the black haired one makes sure to keep at least one part of him on me at all times so I can't use my quirk. They have undone both of our dresses leaving us in our underwear. Ura is crying her eyes out. "YOU FUCKING NASTY PERVERTS LET US GO!!" I scream. Just as they undo our bra's about to take them off of us. The door busts open with a explosion. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF THEM YOU CREEPY BASTARDS!!" I hear a all to fimilar voice scream. Then I see a flash of green and the guy on top of me being knocked to the ground. Then I feel my self be able to move all my limbs again. I look over and a red haired boy knocked out the guy on top of Ura. I quickly redo my bra and sit up. The black haired dude try to touch me again to remove my quirk. "NOT THIS TIME MOTHER FUCKER!" I lift up the ground and knock him in the head knocking him out.  I see Ura sit up, her eyes still recovering from crying. I crawl over to her and hug her letting her cry on my shoulder. At this point I don't even care that the guys are there and that we are both in our bra and underwear. My friend needs my support. She stops crying and looks at me. "Thank you (y/n). Without you, that could have gotten a lot worse a lot faster." She says giving me a weak smile. I just hug her again in respose. And wisper in her ear. "I am so glad you are ok, I don't think I could deal with losing you. You are truly my best friend, and I never will hesitate to do everything I can to protect you." I say. We part and we both look at the guys. "Thank you, if you guys hadn't saved us I don't know what would have happened." I say giving them a weak smile. I see them all smile back even Suki. "We are just glad you guys are alright." Kiri says. Ura and I both pick up our dresses that they threw to the side. Ura puts her's back on, and I put mine back on, well what is left of it. They had to resort to ripping the top of it to get it off of me. Deku throws me his hoodie. "Here." He says smiling. I smile back and throw on the hoodie. Then we all decide it's time to go home. We go to Ura's house first because it's closest. "Hey guys?" I ask. They all look at me. "Ura's parents aren't home. So I was wondering if maybe, if it's ok with Ura, that we all stay at her house for the night?" I say. I  really don't want to be alone right now... "Yeah it's fine with me honestly I'm not a huge fan of the idea of being alone right now..." She says looking down. "Yeah I'm down!" Kiri says. "Lets do it!" Deku says. "Well I'm not in any hurry to get home so why not!" Suki says. Everyone celebrates a little, but I also give a small quick pity look at bakugo for that last comment. No one else understands...  We all go inside. We decide we could all camp out in the living room that way we can watch a movie or two before we go to sleep. Ura and I go upstairs to change. I keep Deku's hoodie on, but Ura lets me borrow a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. She herself puts on a tank top and a pair of pj pants. We think the guys may want a change of pants at least, so we snatch 3 pairs of sweatpants from her dads drawers. We go downstairs and throw them at the guys. "Hey what was that for!!??!" Suki half yells. "We figured you guys may not want to sleep in jeans!" We all giggle a little. The guys go upstairs to various rooms to change. Then they all come downstairs. Instead of watching  a movie off the bat we decide to play a game of monopoly. Which with me and suki, being the hot heads we are resulted in us yelling a lot and the rest of them laughing. After that we all decide to watch nightmare before christmas. I'm glad we all were able to lighten the mood, and we didn't have to stay caught up on what happened! We decide before we watch the movie though, we need snacks. So we go raid Ura's kitchen. While we are out there, Deku walks up to me. "Hey (y/n)? Can I talk to you in private for a minute?" He ask scratching the back of his neck. "Uh, sure!" I say smiling. We walk upstairs to Ura's room to talk. "Ok so ummm (y/n)...I don't know how to say this..." He says his face getting kinda red. "Just say it!" I say smiling. "Ok fine.... I-I l-like you....and I was wondering if you would be interested in being my girlfriend." He says blushing a lot. Wow! Not what I was expecting...but he is really nice and me and him are really close, and I care about him a lot...why not! "Yeah Deku! That would be nice!" I say smiling. He smiles back really big. We go downstairs and watch the movie with the rest of the group, and we just happen to sit next to eachother...


Hey guys! So just to clerify yes this is still a Bakugo x reader! But I wanted this to happen for the plot! But yeah I hope you are enjoying it! Feel free to leave any comments that you have!

See Ya 


AFTER ALL THESE YEAR'S YOU'RE BACK?!? (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now