Chapter 10

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Your POV

---Time Skip---

I finish all of my morning classes and it's time for lunch. Deku, Ura, Iida, and I walk to the lunch room chatting and grab our lunch then sit at our normal table. "Hey Firefly." I hear a voice walking by say. "Hey, Suki." I return. "Just saw we are on the same team for this afternoon's training. Don't fuck this up." He says smirking at me with a look that truly reads, 'We're gonna crush this!'. "Trust me I won't. But you may wanna be careful." I say back smirking. He smirks again and walks away. "Firefly?" Ura says very confused. "Oh right..." I giggle a little. "When we knew each other before I moved I used to call him Suki because it sounded kinda cute and he was always trying to act tough and cool so it was to pick on him and he used to call me Firefly to make fun of me for the first time I accidentally burned some of my clothing and I got embarrassed and used my wind to fly away," I reply. "Oh so kinda like how Deku got his nickname?" she asks trying to clarify. "Yeah! It's been so long since I've heard you two use those names it reminds me of old times." Deku says smiling. We all giggle a little. We continue to eat and chat. 

---Time Skip---

Lunch is over and we all head to class. Finally, we get to do this exercise since I didn't almost die this time! We get to class and everyone takes their seats. Then Mr.Aziwa walks in. "Hey students, we will be doing a training exercise today as most of you know, in teams of 2 you will be battling it out, 1 team as the villains and 1 team as the heroes. But before we do that...Your suits are in, you may wear your suits or normal gym clothes it's up to you." He says in his normal boring tone. Then he puts on his sleeping bag, falls over, and sleeps. We all run over and get our suits because let's be real who is not going to try them out? I grab mine and head to the girl's locker room with the rest of the girls to change. I open my case and almost cry. I can't believe how awesome this is... I quickly throw on my suit.

(Just as a reminder this is what your suit looks like)

(and before you're like WhY iSn'T iT aLl FiRePrOoF!?!? two reasons 1

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(and before you're like WhY iSn'T iT aLl FiRePrOoF!?!? two reasons 1. Plot cuz yeah and 2. because your quirk originates from your body, so if it was all fireproof it would limit your power that is also the reason why it shows a decent amount. You can use your fire quirk through fireproof things it just weakens it. as well as fireproof things tend to be thicker and less flexible so it could also weaken your other abilities as well as your movement. But don't worry the boots jacket and bra/underwear are fireproof. Also the metal plates on the boots is in replacement of laces because 1. style 2. laces burn and 3. since they heat up it can help you concentrate your fire since that is your strongest element because it is what your parents forced you to train the most with, as it is also the most destructive and therefore to them the most important. But they can also therefor help you concentrate your water if you want it to be hot or if you cool it down it can help you concentrate it into ice, It also helps with the structural integrity since when you use your earth element if you don't have good shoes they will break or it will hurt your feet and as far as wind it doesn't do much but it is lightweight and made so it doesn't inhibit those abilities. It doesn't have extra devices really like Bakugo's gauntlets or anything but I felt your quirk didn't need too many, also sorry that it seems to be mostly centered around fire I am trying to even out the abilities but as I said above using and being mostly trained in fire has a reason. It also as I said is the most destructive and the hardest to control, like you aren't going to like destroy your suit with any of the other elements really so yeah that is why it is mostly centered around fire. Sorry for the really long paragraph about your suit, but yeah so there is an actual reason for the design besides the obvious of a fun plot device. Also, the template isn't mine I found it on deviant art by a user named Izumi-sen I wasn't able to buy it so I had to leave the watermark on it, but yeah the template isn't mine, but I did draw the clothes onto it. So yeah if you want to use the base so find them on deviant art) 

I look at myself in the mirror. I look so badass!!!  I think as I smirk in the mirror.  After all the girls are ready we walk out together and to the training area. *enter really awesome entrance scene from the anime* WE ALL LOOK SO BADASS!!!  All might is there. He informs us about the details of the training. The villain team will have to protect a bomb from the heroes they can also capture the heroes, and the hero team needs to either capture the villains with the capture tape or touch the bomb. We also get our match ups. I already knew my teammate. Bakugo and I are the villains against Deku and Ura as heroes. We go up to the top floor with the bomb and have some time to strategize. "Hey, Suki? I have an idea." I say and he nods kind of ignoring me. I mean he always kind of gets like this when it comes to hero stuff but it seems like he is partially listening. "I have an idea, I can open the battle with a huge move that will slow them down but with their quirks, they will be able to get out of it. But it should slow them down enough to let us find them and get the jump on them. The only thing is when the battle starts I need you to use your blasts to jump in the air then while you go and start fighting them I can put a barrier around the bomb and then I can join you." I say laying out my plan. He nods still looking very serious. I guess that is a go on the plan. All might starts counting down and then yells start. The heroes immediately enter the building and Bakugo launches himself into the air. I stop and freeze the majority of the building temporarily freezing them to the floor. Bakugo immediately goes to find them and judging by the explosions he finds them rather quickly. I put a rock barrier around the bomb and put a vine wall at each of the entrances. Both of them could knock them down but it should hold them off long enough for us to get up here. I head downstairs. I hear Bakugo and Deku battling it out. Then I see Ura trying to escape to upstairs. "Yeah, I don't think so." I say using a strong wind to blow her into a nearby wall. Then I light myself on fire and we start hand to hand fighting. She tries to use zero gravity to float herself above me and up the stairs but I shoot her down with a fireball and put an ice wall at the bottom of the stairs. I continue holding her off. I hear the explosions getting bigger and I hear through my earpiece All Might telling Bakugo to calm down before he kills Deku. Through my earpiece, I try to contact Bakugo. "Suki calms down if you add too much emotion to this we will lose," I say trying to get him to calm down. Then I hear a response. "SHUT UP FIREFLY I DO WHAT I WANT AND I DON'T LOSE!" He yells and I hear my earpiece say he disconnected from it. I see Ura break through my wall of ice and I attempt to capture her but she gets past me. Fuck I have to go to Suki or he is going to kill Deku  I think. I let her go upstairs hoping my barriers will hold long enough. I find them. Bakugo launches a huge explosion just as Deku releases a 100% smash. But he aimed it up? I see Deku collapse. "YOU STUPID NERD!" Suki yells. I look up and see the blast blew up my barriers and see Ura running towards the bomb. I leave Suki and Deku and use a strong wind to shoot myself up. I try to fire a shot at Ura but I'm not fast enough and she captures the bomb. I fall to the ground. "FUCK!!!" I yell. I see Bakugo look up at me through the giant hole in the floor and he realizes what happened. "GOD DAMN IT THESE STUPID NERDS WON!!" He yells equally as angry and annoyed as me. I not even thinking about it light myself on fire and I see explosions going off in his palms as we hear All Might over our earpieces say "THE HERO TEAM WINS!!" We all exit the training area and Deku gets taken to recovery girl. Ura goes to watch the other matches but I just can't. I CAN'T BELIEVE WE LOST!!!  I set out to the locker room to take a quick shower to cool off and get rid of all the sweat. When I'm done I change back into my 'uniform' and I put my suit back in its case. I go back and watch the rest of the battles. 

---Time Skip---

It's time to go home. Deku is completely healed and I'm glad he is ok. Bakugo is still pissed off. Ura seems to be her normal cheery self. I am still upset we lost but I am not as mad as before. But hey, at least it's the weekend. 


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed! I will try to update again soon I am really enjoying writing so it probably won't be too long. If you have any suggestions on plot arcs or anything let me know! 

See Ya


AFTER ALL THESE YEAR'S YOU'RE BACK?!? (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now