Chapter 18

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Bakugo's POV

Kirishima and I were teleported to what I assume is the ruins zone of the USJ by the stupid warp guy.  We quickly deal with the villans that are in that area. Kirishiman believes we should go help the other students. "Our class mates are strong they will be f-" I get cut off by a light coming from the middle of the USJ. I look out the window of the building Kiri and I are in and he joins me. "Fuck...I know this light..." I think out loud. I look directly to the center of the light and realize i'm right. "It's (y/n)! Last time she did this we both almost died! I thought she was to scared of her own power to ever use it to it's full strength like this again!" I say concerned. "Wait (y/n) is causing this!?!?" Shitty hair asks confused. "Yeah. Remember the story I told you about one of our fights when we were younger? Well this is what sent us both to the hospital. She was still developing her quirk then and it almost killed us! She hasn't trained to be able to deal with this!" Please (y/n) please be careful... "It's beautiful" Kiri says in awe of the sight before us. "That it is...leave it to (y/n) to put everyone else first even if it means her life..." I say concerned but appreciating how beautiful what is going on actually is.  Then suddenly the light grows and gets extra bright. Kiri and I both duck and close our eyes from the blinding light. The light goes away and I look out the window. I see that all the villans have been knocked out if not killed except for a guy with hands all over him, that stupid warp gate and a giant bird looking monster. But even they seem weak. All of our class mates from what I can tell are fine, though 13 and Aziawa are in really bad shape it seems to be the the damage from the villans not (y/n). She was able to control it enough to not hurt us... Then I notice (y/n) laying on the ground in the middle of it. She is not moving and looks in pretty bad shape. Without a second thought or moment to wait I run out of the ruins area and straight to where (y/n) is. I am running towards her. She is laying on the ground. She is covered in various cuts and injuries. Most of which are bleeding pretty bad. Please don't let her be dead... I feel tears start to whel up in my eyes at the thought. I get to her side and sit next to her putting her head in my lap. I feel for her pulse. Luckily I find it but it's barely there. I also feel her breathing but it's very sparce. She is alive...But in this condition she may not be for much longer... My eyes start to overflow with some tears escaping. "Come on (y/n) stay with me! I can't lose you! You are stronger than this! I didn't even get to apoligise! You better not die on me!" I start fully crying. I feel a hand on my shoulder. It's Kiri he sits next to me and attepts to comfort me a little. Though it doesn't help much. Then I hear heavy steps behind us. We look up and see the giant bird monster above us. We are stunned we don't know what to do.  Then someone jumps over us and punches the monster. I look over and it's All Might. He starts fighting the monster. He seems to be struggling. I continue to cradle (y/n) and keep a eye on her pulse. It's slowly dwindling. We have to hurry or she is going to die... I watch All Might he is struggling but then he gives it his all and he wins. Almost as soon as he sends the bird dude through the roof the pros and police show up. Handy Man and the warp dude escape when the pros show up. All Might and the other students fill them in as much as they can. Deku and Ura run over to where I am. They see (y/n) and start crying. They both fall to their knees on the other side of her. Ura looks at me like she is going to yell at me but they she sees the tears in my eyes and gives me a small smile instead. I return her weak smile. The medics come over to us and check some of her vitals. When they see her condition they put her on a gurney and rush her to the hospital. I get up and run after them. Kiri grabs my wrist. "The police are gonna wanna talk with you bro." Kiri says. "Dude you were with me the whole time you know everything I do. I need to do this." I reply. He looks at me and nods. I run after the medics. They allow me to ride in the back of the ambulence. We go to the emergency room where they get her hooked up to a ton of machines, but luckily after a few hours her vitals stablize. Though she doesn't wake up. 

AFTER ALL THESE YEAR'S YOU'RE BACK?!? (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now