Chapter 3

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Your POV

I walk into the lunch room to see everyone crowding around Bakugo. But he seems to be enjoying it. I walk closer. "Really Bakugo? You're going to fight the new girl??". "It's her first day and she already picked a fight?? Damn for a girl she got some balls!".  "It's her first day go easy on her! She is just a frail girl after all". Bakugo seemed to be enjoying all the drama he created but that last one seemed to erk him. "(Y/N) isn't FRAIL! She is stronger than all of you! If she wasn't I wouldn't even bother fighting her!" He screams in the kids face. Then he walks off to sit at a table with a kid I believe was named Kirishima. I see Deku sitting with a cute girl with brown hair and a guy with glasses. I walk over to them. "Hey, guys can I sit with you?" I ask with a shy smile. "Of course!" The girl says. I sit down next to Deku and across from the girl.  The glasses guy who is diagonal me next to the girl says "I'm Tenya Iida class rep of class 1A! It's nice to meet you (Y/N)!" He has a very serious look on his face.  I hold back some giggles. "Nice to meet you too Iida!"  The girl in front of me giggles a little. "Iida is so serious! But anyway! Nice to meet you (Y/N)! I'm Ochako Uraraka!" She says smiling and giving me a small peace sign. "Nice to meet you Uraraka!" I say back smiling. Before I know if we are all talking up a storm chatting like we have known each other for years! Then a kid comes up to me. "Do you have a death wish or something kid? Challenging Bakugo on your first day? Everyone else may think that makes you cool and stuff but in reality, it just makes you a huge idiot!" It takes everything in me not to react. "Fuck off," I say to the dude who came up to me. "And what if I don't? You gonna challenge me to a fight to, weakling?" He says smirking. Uraraka was about to get to support me. But Deku stopped her. He knew that look in my eyes. I hate being called an idiot, and I hate being underestimated. But calling me weak, that crossed a line. I stand up in front of the kid. My eyes turn to red and look like they are on fire. Next thing I know my entire body is covered in fire. "Get the fuck out of my face, kid! And never I mean NEVER call me WEAK again!!" I yell. I can see the kid trying to hide the fear behind his eyes, and he walks away. My flames calm down and go away. I look around the entire room is silent, they all heard and saw that. I just see Bakugo in the corner smirking. I feel myself getting pissed again. I run outside to a safe area. I lift the ground up underneath me. Then I stand up there and let myself go off. I cover my body in flames and just scream letting all my anger out. I calm down and go back inside. As I'm walking back to class since lunch is over I hear a voice around the corner. I quietly look around it. I see Bakugo yelling at the kid you was harassing me at lunch. "NEVER CALL (Y/N) WEAK AGAIN!! NEVER TREAT HER LIKE THAT AGAIN!! YOU HEAR ME, YOU BITCH! I AM THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS FUCKING HELLHOLE OF A SCHOOL THAT GETS TO PICK ON HER!! YOU UNDERSTAND ME YOU BASTARD?!?!?!" "Y-Yes" the kid studders running away. I quickly run to class not wanting the angry floof to see me. Luckily he doesn't.  I walk into class and sit down at my desk. About a minute later hedgehog boy walks in and sits down at his desk next to me. Mr. Aizawa walks in and stands at the front of the class starting to teach.

AFTER ALL THESE YEAR'S YOU'RE BACK?!? (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now