Chapter 24

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Your POV

I hear an alarm going off in the distance. I slowly open my eyes. The sun making it hard to keep them open. I hide my face in whatever is in front of me. Oh shit, that's not a what that's a who that's a Bakugo. I quickly open my eyes and look at the fluffball of a human in front of me. He looks back at me with a sleepy smile. "Sun to bright for you this morning Firefly?" he asks sleepily slurring his words a little. I groan a little and sit up. Everyone around me is having very similar reactions to having to wake up. This clearing is so pretty in the morning. The rising sun is shinning off the waterfall and pool below it. The trees have a golden glow. "Good morning everyone" I say stretching. They all respond with sleepy good mornings. We all slowly get up. I walk over to our stuff. "Hey Ura do you have a hair brush I can borrow?" I ask looking over at the crowd of shambling sleepy teenagers heading towards me. "Yeah here" Ura says handing me a pink hairbrush. I brush my hair and grab my clothes. Everyone else is also grabing their clothes. We all walk off into the woods in diffrent directions. While i'm in the woods changing I have a realization. I KISSED KATSUKI LAST NIGHT!! I GOT SUPER CAUGHT UP IN THE GAME AND DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT OH MY GOD!! I KISSED HIM!!! WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING!?!? BUT LIKE THERE WAS A CONECTION!! AND WE FELL ASLEEP TOGETHER AFTERWARDS! HE HAD TO HAVE FELT THE CONNECTION I DID RIGHT!?!?

Katsuki's POV


Your POV

We all come back in our uniforms. We pick up the cooler and blankets. "Hey guys how about we leave the fairylights and we leave the fire pit set up? This could be like our spot!" Kiri suggests smiling. We all look at eachother smiling and agree. We leave the fairylights up and turn them off. We also leave the fire pit intact but we make sure the few remaining embers are out. We all grab our stuff and walk towards school. We all arrive. We stop at our lockers to store the stuff from our little training trip. We all look very exhausted but last night was worth it. We all walk into class together. We sit down at our seats. Everyone is talking and asking what we did last night. All of that good teenager stuff. I do notice that Suki is a little less talkitive than normal. I shrug it off assuming he is just tired. Mr. Aziwa walks in and everyone goes to their seats. "Ok class as you all know the sports tornamant is tommarrow. You will have all day to train. I expect you all to show up ready to compete. So make sure you get a good night of sleep and you all are here on time!" He says. He looks around the class for any questions then promptly collapses into his sleeping bag. Well ok then... I roll my eyes a little. I look around and see the class had already split into groups. Deku and Ura are with their group while Suki and Kiri are with their group.  Deku and Ura's group is already leaving. So I decide to try and join Suki and Kiri's group for training. I walk over to them. "Hey guys mind if I train with you?" "Sure you can (y/n)!" Kiri says smiling. "Awesome!" I respond smiling back. We all grab out suits and head to the locker rooms to change. After I finish changing into my suit I meet the group at one of the training grounds. We start sparing with eachother.

---Time Skip---

We just train and spar for the rest of the day. I notice though that Suki actively avoids sparing with me or even talking to me. Did I do something?  Maybe he didn't feel what I did? Maybe it was terrible!?!  I walk home and walk into my apartment. I feel kind of disgusting from all the training and spending the night in the woods. So I drop my stuff in the corner of my room then grab a big t-shirt, underwear and a sports bra. I then go jump in the shower. After showering and changing into my pjs I make dinner and watch a little tv. Until I decide that I should take Mr. Aziwa's advice and go to bed early. So I call it a night and go to bed. Did he feel what I did?... 


Hey guys,

I know this chapter was shorter than normal and I haven't posted in like forever. I've been dealing with really bad writers block as well as life in general. So I know this isn't the best chapter not even close but I wanted to get one out as I know a lot of people want it.  I will try to post again soon but I don't know if that will actually happen but rest a sure that I am determined to finish this book! I hope you all understand.

See Ya,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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AFTER ALL THESE YEAR'S YOU'RE BACK?!? (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now