Chapter 8

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Your POV

Deku and Uraraka walk me home after school. Bakugo and I had visited Recovery Girl and she heals us both. We are both also most completely healed we have a few marks left but it will heal on its own and we are both still sore. Though we were able to put shirts on now since she could take off the bandages. So I put back on Deku's shirt. "Hey (Y/N)! I don't wanna be pushy but wanna hang out at your place to work on homework since we are almost there? If your parents are ok with it I mean" Uraraka asks. Fuck I was scared of this...nobody knows I live alone...or that I am emancipated...or about my past... " uhhhh I don't think my parents would be ok with it tonight... Maybe some other time!" I say trying to keep my past a secret at least for now. We get to the driveway of the apartment building I live in. I start walking up waving goodbye and they wave back. I walk up to my apartment unlocking the door. I walk in. I need a snack. I think. So I walk to the kitchen. I make half a PBJ sandwich and pour a glass of juice (it can be whatever you want IDC lol). Then I walk to the main room. I sit on the couch setting my bag next to me. I pull out my phone and hook the Bluetooth up to my stereo. Then I turn on music. I eat my snack and work on my homework. I finish my homework. So I decided to do some free writing for fun while keeping my music on. I get up and grab some more juice. Then sit back down. I eventually fall into sleep while writing.

Angry Floofs POV

I walk home with Kirishima. He starts talking about everything that happened today. But I'm to lost in thought to hear him. Why did I care so much? Why did I risk my life to save her? I could have just eaten my lunch and chilled! But instead, I went looking for her and that stupid nerd Deku! Why?!? Just then I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder. I snap out of my thoughts. "Bakubro? Are you ok?" Shitty hair says with a kinda concerned look on his face. "I'm fine shitty hair just lost in thought!" I tell him. "Ok!" He says smiling. We get to my house. "See ya later Bakubro!" He says waving. "See ya shitty hair! AND DON'T CALL ME THAT!!" I yell back with a brief wave. I walk in the house. No one is home. I realize.  I'm not in the mood for dinner, I go upstairs to my room. I sit at my desk and pull out my homework. Quickly doing it. Then I decide to take a shower. I grab a tank top and a pair of pajama pants. I go to the bathroom and pull my shirt over my head. I look at the few leftover marks on my chest. Why did I do that for her? Why when it comes to her do I care so much?  I turn on the sink and splash some water on my face to snap me out of my thoughts. I shake my head a little, finish undressing and get in the shower. I hear yelling downstairs. I put on my pajamas and walk downstairs. I get to the bottom of the stairs. I see Mom freaking out at Dad. That stupid hag.  She is the only person who can get my calm dad to turn into just as much of a hot head as her. My mom sees me at the bottom of the stairs. "COME OVER HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" She yells at me. I walk over not in the mood to fight after everything that happened, which is weird for me. "TELL YOUR DAD IM RIGHT! THIS DICK SEEMS TO BELIEVE THAT I SHOULD YELL AT YOU LESS! TELL HIM IT'S MAKING YOU STRONGER!" She yells in my face. "I-I" I stutter. "YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT GO GET ME A BEER IF YOU ARENT GOING TO HELP ME!" She yells. I go to the kitchen to grab a beer and give it to her. Then I run up to my room before things can get worse. I lay on my bed holding back tears. Then I hear my parents move to their room still yelling. I grab my school bag. I throw my uniform in there as well as a couple of granola bars. I change my pajama pants to a pair of jeans and I leave my black tank top on. I grab a gray zip-up hoodie pulling it up over my shoulders but not zipping it. I glance at the clock. It's about 10:35 I put the hood up. I quietly walk downstairs. I slip into my sneakers and slide out the front door. I start walking down the street. Then the dams in my eyes break and tears slowly fall down my face...

Your POV

I wake up and realize I am asleep on the couch my computer in front of me and my music still on. I also am still in my school clothes. It's kinda stuffy in here... I turn off my music and close my computer. I walk over to the window and open it. I pull out my phone and look at the time. 10:40. It's not too late and I'm still in my clothes and now I have energy. Maybe I'll go for a night walk and get ice cream or something. I grab my wallet. Throwing on my sneakers and hoodie. Then I head downstairs. I start walking towards town.  After walking for a few minutes I see a guy in a hoodie in front of me. It's quite but it almost sounds like they're crying. I end up passing them. I look behind me to see who it is...BAKUGO?!?!  He looks up and see's me. A look of shock crosses his face and I see him try to wipe away his tears and stop crying to act as if he never was. But his eyes are still puffy and red. I stop. "Bakugo?" I ask in a calm voice. He must be hurting, I mean it's Bakugo and he's crying!  "Yeah. What do you want bitch?" He says trying to use his normal angry voice but it's shaky. I want him to talk to me, but knowing him he won't unless he is the one to initiate it. "I just wanted to say thank you for saving me earlier, and I am going to get ice cream if you want to come with me." I say smiling. He seems to let down his act a little. "I don't have any money." He says blatantly "I have enough for both of us! Consider it a thank you." I say smiling. He signs "Fine" He takes down his hood. Then we walk side by side towards the ice cream shop. "What kind of ice cream do you want?" I ask trying to start a conversation. "Chocolate moose tracks probably." He says after thinking a little. "What about you?" He asks in return. "I am thinking mint chip!"(If you want a different flavor go for it) I say smiling. "Mint chip is for losers!" He says with a little laugh. His face shifts from the frown to a small smile. "Yeah maybe, we'll see," I say giggling a little. His smile seems to grow for a second at my laugh. But I don't think too much of it. We continue chatting on our way there. Eventually, we get to the ice cream shop. We both get one scoop of the ice cream flavors we choose earlier. We continue talking about school, our past, pretty much anything that comes up. He is smiling and laughing the same as me. I don't know why he was crying earlier but I'm glad he is feeling better. Then I look at my phone. 12:00. "Hey, Suki?" I ask. "Damn you haven't used that nickname in forever!" He says smiling. "Is it a bad thing that I used it?" I ask concerned I said something wrong. "No, it's fine, to be honest, I kinda missed it." He says with a sweet smile. Wow, this is a really different Bakugo, I kinda like it, but it is midnight and we have school tomorrow. We should probably go home.  "Anyway, what were you gonna say?" He asks. "Oh, I was just going to let you know that it's midnight and we should probably go home." I say. I see his face drop. "Umm (Y/N)?" He says in a kinda sad voice. "Yeah?" I ask. "Do you think I could stay at your place tonight?" He asks with a sad look on his face. "Why? Don't your parents want you home?" Then I realize Why was he out so late? And he has his school stuff with him.  "Actually right now they don't know I'm not." He says sadly. "What? Are you ok? What happened?" I ask kind of concerned as I realize he had run away. He sighs. Is he actually going to tell me?  "When I got home neither of them was there, then they got home late. Both of them were screaming and yelling at each other. My mom tried to get me involved and made me get her a beer. When I left they were in their room drunk and fighting. I need to get away so I ran away planning to spend tonight on the streets and go home tomorrow. And I will go home tomorrow but it would be nice to maybe stay at your place instead of on the streets." He says all in a sad tone of voice. This would mean he would know about my past that I kept hidden. Am I ready for that? I can't just let him stay on the streets! I guess I have to be. He opened up to me, and tonight was a good night. I guess it's time he knows.  I think for a minute. "Yeah you can but when we get there we need to talk ok?" I say. "Yeah, and thank you," He says his frown mostly going away. We walk home and I start up the conversation again us both chatting and laughing.  We get to the building I live in. We walk up to the door. "Do I need to be quite so your parents won't hear or will they be fine with it?" He asks. "Uh, don't worry about it." I say. I unlock the door and we walk in. He realizes my stuff is everywhere and that some of the lights are on and that this apartment only has one bedroom. "Where are your parents?" He asks with a very confused face. I take off my shoes, close the door, and motion for him to sit on the couch with me. He sits next to me still very confused. "My parents don't live with me or know where I live." I say. "What? Why? How?" He says still very confused. "Ok so this is kinda a longish story so here we go." I say taking a breath. He just nods. "I am emancipated. My parents abused me because they wanted me to be the best and they didn't think our childhood neighborhood was the best place for that and that is why we moved when I was 10. They homeschooled me, beating me anytime I got something wrong or wasn't up to their standards. So at 13, I started talking to a lawyer about my situation. Then by 14 I was emancipated and got accepted into UA, so I moved back here. My parents pay for my apartment as well as they pay a certain amount of money a month for me to live off of, but they don't get to see me or know where I live or even what school I go to. Most people don't know anything about this. Deku, Ura, and Iida know where I live but nothing else about my situation and only select staff that need to know, the court, the person I check in with monthly and my parents know the rest of this, even though my parents only get to know a little. So yeah that is the gist of why I was gone, why I'm back, why I live on my own, and hopefully answers any other questions you had. But if you have any more feel free to ask." I explain trying to give him a slight smile. I see the look of shock on his face and then it switches to almost regret. Then he does something I would have NEVER expected him to do. He hugs me. "I'm sorry I yelled at you for leaving then coming back, I'm sorry I pick on you and call you weak I'm sorry for all of it." I hear him quietly say into my shoulder. I hug him back. "It's ok Suki," I say he pulls away from the hug a few tears in his eyes Damn soft Suki is a whole other creature, I guess even bomb brain here has a soft side when he lets his wall down.  I smile at him. "Hey, Suki?" I ask. "Yeah?" He says in return tilting his head a little. "Can you please not tell anyone about my situation? At least without talking to me first?" I ask. He smiles a little. "Of course Firefly." He says.'s been so long since he used that name. I kinda missed it. He started using it the first time I accidentally used my fire to much and burned some of my clothes because afterward I got embarrassed and used my wind power to fly away. It was originally meant to be an insult, but I kinda missed it. I smile at him. "Thanks, Suki," I say smiling. We both sit there quiet for a minute but I wouldn't say it was awkward. "Are you ok with sleeping on the couch?" I ask him. "Of course!' He says. "Ok let me go grab some blankets." I say smiling. I get up and walk to the closet in the corner of the living room where I keep all the extra blankets, pillows, and cleaning stuff, as well as a few other miscellaneous things. "Oh yeah and before I forget the bathroom is over there." I say pointing to a door near the front door. I have my own bathroom off of my room. "Ok." He says looking where I am pointing. I grab a comforter and a second small blanket as well as two pillows. I walk over to Suki. That nickname used to also be an insult I started using it because it sounded kinda cutesy, and he was trying to act all tough and such. Anyway, I walk back over to the couch. I throw the two pillows on one end and hand the blankets to Suki. "Do you need anything else?" I ask. "No I'm fine, thank you for everything by the way." He says smiling and being very sincere. I smile back. "Ok then. Goodnight Suki." I say walking towards the door to my room. "Goodnight Firefly." He says back. I walk into my room closing the door behind me. I change into a pair of shorts and a sports bra and a tank top. I use the bathroom and go to bed. 


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating sooner! But to make up for it I mad this chapter extra long, 2606 words to be exact. I hope you enjoyed!

See ya!


AFTER ALL THESE YEAR'S YOU'RE BACK?!? (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now