Chapter 16

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Trigger Warning: Depression and Self Harm (it also is pretty descriptive so please make whatever decision is best for you whether that means skipping this chapter not reading the story or if it's fine to continue reading! I add these things in my story because I like to write about the darker side of life. But please your safety and mental health is way more important than the book so please and this goes for all the warnings I put, please make the best decision for your own health and safety!)

Bakugo's POV

It's the end of the day. Firefly hasn't talked to me all day. Everyone from 1A looks at me like I'm a monster. Well I mean they aren't wrong. I am a monster. I hurt her. I spilled her darkest secret to the class. Just because for some reason I was and am upset that she is with that stupid nerd. I am worthless. The one person who cared. The one person who accepted me, and helped me, I hurt her. I don't deserve her. I am just a burden and a problem for everyone around me...

All-day I just drifted by caught in my thoughts. 

-----Time Skip-----

I get home. Nobody else is there. I walk upstairs to my room. I throw all of my stuff on the ground and fall over on to my bed. Fuck...Why did I do that...Why do I even exist?  I decide to shower before my parents get home. I grab some pajama's and I go to the bathroom. I turn on the water letting it warm up. I strip down to my boxers. I look it the mirror. I fucking hate you... You are the worst person... You hurt everyone around you... Tears start to well up in my eyes. You deserve nothing but pain. I throw open the bathroom cabinet and grab one of the razor blades my mother keeps in there with the first aid kit. Tears constantly falling from my eyes. You deserve this you fucking piece of shit! I glide the blade across my left forearm watching the blood slowly pool. I do this 9 more times, leaving a line of 10 narrow bleeding cuts in my forearm. I hide the blade in my clothes and get in the shower. I sit there and cry under the falling water. I deserve this. I am worthless, all I do is hurt, people. I deserve the pain. After about 30 minutes I get up and turn off the water. I grab a towel drying off a little. I throw on the pajama pants and t-shirt I had brought as well as taking the blade. I go to my room. I hide the blade among the books on the shelf above my desk. I also grab a hoodie putting it on to cover the cuts. I decide to skip dinner. I just go to my room curl up in my bed and fall asleep. 

-----Time Skip-----

Beep Beep Beep  "Stupid alarm" I grumble rolling over and hitting my alarm. I sit up. Fuck what even is the point... I get up and put on my uniform and a hoodie. I grab my phone and bag. I grab a granola bar from the kitchen. I put my hood up and head out the door. I hate that house...and everywhere else hates me... I walk to school. I walk past (y/n)'s apartment building. Fuck I hope everyone doesn't still hate least as much as yesterday...who am I kidding? Even I hate me. I continue to school.  I get to the school grounds and walk through the gate.  My hood is still up and I guess I was giving off really sad vibes. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I hear a familiar voice "Hey Bro, you seem really down. Obviously what happened yesterday wasn't cool but you didn't mean it. I'm still here for you ok?" I look up and see shitty hair. Damn, he is a really good friend... "Thanks," I reply relived that at least one person doesn't hate me.  We walk to class. We walk in and see everyone crowded around (y/n) and Deku again near Deku's desk this time. I sit at my desk and Kiri holds up one finger to me walking over to the group. After a few seconds, he comes back. He sits at the desk directly next to me, where (y/n) normally sits. "I talked to (y/n) and we agreed it would probably be best if she and I switched seats for a while." He says giving me a small smile. I give a weak smile back and then look out the window.  Fuck I hate this, and it's all my fault. 

AFTER ALL THESE YEAR'S YOU'RE BACK?!? (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now