Chapter 23

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Your POV

We are all sitting on the blankets chatting. Kiri stands up and I look over at him. He walks over to the cooler pulling out 4 bottles. "Who wants a drink!?!" He says grinning. I quickly realize they are beer. Everyone even Ura and Deku agrees to have a few drinks. Kiri throws one to each of us then grabs his own out of the cooler closing it. The sun is completely down now. The only remaining light being from the fairy lights, fire, and the moon. It's pretty. It's nice being here with my friends. Laughing and hanging out together. Exspecially sense the five of us don't tend to hangout at school. Bakugo and Kiri hangout with their friends and Deku and Ura hangout with theirs. Most of the time I tend to hangout with Deku and Ura but I also tend to hangout by myself a lot. But today we all hungout together and now we are tonight too! Who knows maybe this can become a more normal thing. After about half  a hour of just talking Kiri stands up. He gins like he is planing something. "LAST ONE IN THE WATER IS A ROTTEN EGG!" He yells. Suddenly he and everyone else runs towards the water. Everyone trying to strip to just their underwear as they run to the water. Kiri is first, then Suki, then me, then Deku, Ura is last. "DAMN IT!! I'M LAST!!" she shouts. We all laugh a little. We all are swimming around splashing eachother. We take turns climbing the cliff and jumping into the water below. Then Ura wispers something to Kiri. Kiri nods and smiles at her. Then Ura gets on his shoulders. "(y/n)!! GET ON BAKUGO'S SHOULDERS!! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A CHICKEN FIGHT!!" Ura yells pointing at me with a smile. I look over at Suki and we both smirk at eachother. Damn the smirk is cute... WAIT WHAT!? "YOUR ON!!" I climb on Suki's shoulders.  Bakugo takes us to one side of the pool and Kiri takes himself and Ura to the other. Deku counts us off. "3...2...1...GO!!" He shouts. Bakugo and Kiri run towards the middle. Me and Ura start trying to push eachother over. After a long fought battle. I am able to push Ura off Kiri's shoulders. She comes back up. Everyone is smiling. Bakugo then out of no where throws me back into the water. I hit the water in shock then come up for air. Bakugo is laughing at me. I shoot water at him then start laughing too. Next thing I know we are in a all out splash war both of us laughing. This goes on for awhile then we all decide we don't want to swim anymore. We all climb out of the water and go over to where the blankets are.  I grab the bra a wore to school, my uniform shirt and the extra pair of shorts and underwear I always keep in my bag because you never know when there will be a emergency.  I then walk into the woods and change. I come back and it seems as though everyone else has changed too. Ura is wearing her school shirt and what I assume are the shorts she wears under her skirt. Kiri, Bakugo, and Deku all have put on the shirts they took off eariler and the shorts they had taken off in the race to the lake. We lay out the blankets around the fire. Suki is sitting on one side of me and Ura is on the other. We all grab another beer and start talking. "Hey guys I have a idea!" Ura says smiling. We all look in her direction. "Lets play truth or dare!" She says smiling. We all nod and agree that would be fun. "Who's gonna start?" I ask everyone just kinda shrugs. "Lets spin this bottle and whoever it lands on starts" Kiri suggests. He spins the bottle and it lands on Deku. "Ummmm Ura Truth or Dare?" He asks looking at her. "Truth!" She says. "Ummm if you could go on a date with anyone it 1A who would you choose?" He asks. Suddenly Ura goes red in the face. "Ummmmm i don't know..." She says. I can tell she is lying and does know but I won't rat her out.  "Come on pink cheeks you have to awnser!" Suki says rolling his eyes. "Ok fine!" She says loudly  "Ummm idk probably Deku..." She mumbles quietly. Deku's face gets so red I think he might pass out. Ura quickly tries to move the game forward. "(y/n) truth or dare!" She asks me. "Dare!" I reply. She smirks at me. Oh shit.  "I dare you to spin this bottle and kiss whoever it lands on! If it lands on you, you respin and if it lands directly in between two people you get to choose who you kiss!" She says. Oh no. She hands me an empty beer bottle. I set it in front of me and spin it. It lands and is pointing directly at Suki. Fucking shit out of everyone it could have landed on it landed on him! Oh no oh no oh no! He looks down at the bottle then back up at me clearly shocked like I am. I look over at Ura she is smirking. "Are you gonna do it?" Kiri asks. "Yeah of course I am i'm not some fucking chicken ass bitch!" I respond to Kiri. I turn back to Suki. I put my hands on either side of his face and crash our lips together. I feel like this weird connection between us the second we touch lips.This actually feels really nice... Wait what the fuck am I thinking!?! I pull away from him and everyone exspecially the two of us are in shock. Did he feel the same thing I felt?  I think. I shake away the thought. "Kiri truth or dare!' I ask. "Truth!" he says. I think for a second. "What's the farthest you have ever gone?" I ask. He scratches the back of his neck. "I've only ever kissed someone, like a peck." He says blushing a little. I nod and we move on. "Truth or dare Bakubro?" Kiri asks. "Dare! Ovbiously i'm not a wimp" He replies. Kiri thinks for a minute then says. "I dare you to text Mina and tell her you are gay" Suki rolls his eyes and grabs his phone. 

Suki:  Hey Mina... You there? I need to tell you something

Mina: Yeah what's up Bakugo?

Suki: Mina I'm gay. I don't know who to talk to about it...


Suki looks at us really confused. He shows us the text messages and we all start dying of laughter. "Can I please end this now you got your laugh" Bakugo asks Kiri kind of annoyed. "Yeah Yeah" He says clearly a little sad it's over. 

Suki: Woah Mina chill out it was a dare i'm not actually gay!

Mina: Aweeeeee but you are Kiri would be so cute :( 

Suki: Ugh

He puts his phone away and we continue with the game after a few hours we are all exhausted and we decide we are to drunk to walk home so we all lay down on the blankets and fall asleep under the stars. I still am there laying awake I am pretty sure everyone else is already asleep so I sit up. Then I see Bakugo sit up next to me. "Couldn't sleep Firefly?" He asks. "Yeah idk it's kinda cold and the stars are pretty." I reply. "Yeah they are." He says with a small chuckle. We both just sit there looking at the stars. I lean my head on his shoulder and fall asleep. I breifly wake up sighlightly and fell him lay us both down. He holds me close to him and puts a blanket over us. I can feel his body heat against my cold body. I then fall back asleep in his arms. 


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a long time! I have had a lot going on in my personally life and I just haven't been able to update this! But happy valentines day and thank you all so much for all the support, reads, and votes! They mean so much to me! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! I would love to hear your feed back! 

See Ya


AFTER ALL THESE YEAR'S YOU'RE BACK?!? (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now