Chapter 15

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Your POV

I wake up to my alarm going off. I stretch and grab my phone off my nightstand.  I turn off the alarm and unlock my phone. I see I have a text from Deku.

Deku: Good morning baby <3 

Me: Good morning you adorable nerd <3 

Deku: Want me to pick you up at your place this morning?

Me: Sure babe! That sounds nice! I have to go get ready

Deku: Ok see you soon baby girl <3

Me: :) <3 

I smile and get out of bed. I walk to the bathroom. I brush my hair and teeth,  then walk to my closet. I pull out my school skirt (the one I distressed the edges of a little) as well as the white button-up shirt. I then walk to my dresser and pull out a pair of knee-high fishnet socks. I throw on the skirt, shirt, and socks, rolling up the sleeves of the shirt to about my elbows and leaving the top few buttons unbuttoned.  I go back to the bathroom. I grab a cuff bracelet and a bunch of other random bracelets. I put the cuff bracelet on one wrist and put the rest on the other. I grab a velvet choker putting it along with a random chain I have and a lock necklace.  I then put on a few rings, a skull one, a pentagram one, a clock one and a rose one. I then proceed to do my makeup. Using black eyeliner, red and black eyeshadow, and mascara. I also draw an x under my left eye in eyeliner. I fix my hair letting it lay naturally a little below shoulder length. I grab my leather jacket throwing it on. I also throw on my combat boots, one lace being black and the other red. I grab my backpack, and I throw my earbuds in it. My phone goes off. 

Deku: Hey baby, I'm downstairs when you are ready to go! <3 

I smile and put my phone in my back pocket. I grab my keys and walk out the front door locking it behind me.  I look over the railing and see Deku waiting in the driveway. I smile at him and he smiles back. I run down to meet him. I realize he is holding something. It appears to be a coffee. "I know you aren't a morning person so I got you a coffee, awhile ago you said your favorite coffee is an iced caramel coffee with whipped cream, so I hope you still like that!" He says smiling handing me the drink. I smile at him. "You remembered!! and it is still my favorite!" I say smiling really wide. I kiss him on the cheek and he smiles. He reaches out his hand and I grab it. We walk to school holding hands and talking.  As we approach the building I see Suki, but he is already in the building before I can call out or anything. I let it go I mean we are in the same class I'll see him later.  Deku and I walk to class. We walk in holding hands and walk to our desks (Deku sits in the row behind me and to the right). I sit on my desk and he pulls out my chair and pulls it to the side and sits down. We start talking. I can feel most of the classes eyes on us after seeing us walk in holding hands. After a few minutes, I finish my coffee and set it on my desk next to me to take care of later. Before I could even count to 5 Deku stands up. "I got that for you baby" He smiles grabbing the empty cup and walking towards the other side of the class where the trash bin is.  Almost on cue when he walks away, all the girls as well as Kiri, Kami, and Ida all come over to me. They all sit in various places at the desks around me. Then the questions start. "Are you and Midoriya together??" "How long have you two been together?" "Childhood friends turned boyfriend and girlfriend! So cute!!" "Have you two kissed??" "How serious are you guys??" Before I can even finish processing all the questions enough to answer Deku sits on the desk behind me putting his legs on either side of me letting them hang off the edge of the desk like mine. He wraps his arms around my waist. He is taller than me so he leans forward a little so he can place his head on my shoulder, though he has to slouch to do so, he seems comfortable so I don't question it. I see a lot of the girls freak out a little bit from it being cute. "So wait are you guys actually together?" A really confused Kiri asks since he just saw us yesterday. "Yeah!" I giggle a little nodding. "I KNEW YOU GUYS SEEMED SUPER CLOSE THIS WEEKEND!" He says smiling. I giggle a little. We start chatting a little as a group. People start talking about how cute we are together. I hear Deku giggle a little. His grip tightens a little around my waist. Then he kisses me on the cheek making me smile. As well as making a lot of the other girls squeal and smile a little. Causing both me and Deku to giggle.  "Come on break it up you guys, so what the two nerds got each other, probably the only people they could get!" I hear a familiar growl say. Everyone looks over. Everyone splits into groups most going to their desking and then talking amongst themselves. Kiri walks over to Suki who is now at his desk acting all angsty. "Bro why did you do that? We were all having a good time! Plus I thought we all bonded this weekend!" Kiri says a little irritated. Bakugo just shrugs him off. Kiri walks over to his desk which is on the other side of me and sits down clearly not happy with how that went down. Ugh, why does he have to be a jerk all the time! I have friends and a boyfriend and I'm genuinely happy for once and he has to kill it!  At this point, I'm super pissed and annoyed. I stand up and stand in front of his desk. "WHAT THE HELL DUDE!?! FIRST YOU KILL EVERYONE'S MOOD, THEN YOU ARE RUDE TO KIRI!!! I THOUGHT WE ALL HAD A GOOD TIME THIS WEEKEND!! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH ME!?!?! I'M HAPPY AND HAVE FRIENDS AND A BOYFRIEND WHO CARE ABOUT ME FOR ONCE IN MY SHITTY LIFE AND YOU HAVE TO SHOW UP AND RUIN IT!!" I scream at him. My hands catching on fire and a strong breeze starts circling around me. "YEAH WELL, YOU'RE WRONG!! THIS WEEKEND I WAS ONLY THERE OUT OF PITY! AND I'LL ACT HOWEVER THE FUCK I WANT!!" He screams back. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TREAT PEOPLE THE WAY YOU DO!!" I scream the fire and wind getting stronger. He lets off an explosion sending me flying into the wall at the other side of the classroom. I fall to the ground, bleeding. I stand up. "WHAT THE FUCK!! YOU STUPID PYRO!!! I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE!!" I scream at him. He runs up to me huge explosions coming from his palms. "YOU WILL NEVER BE HAPPY!! YOU WILL ALWAYS JUST BE A SCARED LITTLE GIRL WHO WAS ABUSED BY HER PARENTS AND NOW LIVES ALONE BECAUSE NO ONE WANTED YOU!! YOU WILL ALWAYS JUST BE A WEAK LONELY SCARED LITTLE GIRL!!" He screams. The ground under me starts to shake. My eyes start to well up with tears. Bakugo stops where he is and the explosions disappear as he realizes what he just said. The entire class is silent. I shoot Bakugo with a beam of water and run out of the class crying. I run out behind the school and collapse into my own tears, not having enough strength to keep running against the back wall of the school. 

Bakugo's POV

What did I just do... I stop in my tracks realizing what I just said. (Y/N) shoots me to the back of the room with a beam of water and runs out of the room crying. Oh my god... The entire class just looks at me. "What the fuck dude?" Kiri says looking at me. "That was so wrong and uncool" he shakes his head a little. I get up and sit at my desk. Deku runs out and Mr. Aziwa walks in. He sees the damage. "Nope, not going to deal with this today." He says before curling up in his sleeping bag and collapsing on the floor.  I hurt her...I hurt Firefly...Everyone knows her secrets...Because of me...Fuck...

Your POV

I can't stop crying...I trusted him...And now everybody knows... I feel someone sit next to me and put their arm around me. I look up and see a blurry boy with messy green hair. It's Deku... I turn and out my arms around him and cry into his shoulder. He just holds me and rubs my back. After a few minutes I mumble out "I-I-I'm s-sorry" we both loosen out grip and i sit up so I can look at him. "What could you possibly have to be sorry for?" He asks. "I-I didn't tell you, I-I lied to you" I somehow manage to get out with my shaky voice before my tears start to fall again. He hugs me close to him. "It's ok, it's your story to tell, at your time" I smile a little through my tears. We pull away from each other. He wipes the last of my tears from my face. "You know what Deku..." He looks at me kinda confused. "...My past made me stronger, and I sure as hell am not going to let some dick drag me down to dust. " I stand up. He stands up to. "You can go back to class I will be there in a little bit." I say to Deku. He simply nods and goes to class. I walk to the girls bathroom. I fix my makeup and dry my tears. My clothes may be tore and I may be bleeding but that stupid pyro is going to understand that I AM NOT A LITTLE GIRL! I am not the girl he used to push around when we were younger! And he sure as hell is going to understand that! I take one last deep breath and walk to class. I wait outside the door for a momment. I stand up straight with my head held high and I walk into class. I see Aziwa on the floor so I assume it's a free period. I see Deku who gives me a reasuring look. Everyone drops dead silent. I look over at Suki. He looks suprised and sad, I am going to make sure that bastard regrets this! I walk over to my seat. I sit down and pull out my phone and earbuds putting on music and I pull out my sketchbook and a pencil and start drawing. Ignoring all the stares I can feel on me. 

Bakugo's POV

(Y/N) walks back into the class. She seems put together and...confident? She sits down puts on music and starts drawing. I just sit at my desk all period feeling terrible for what I had done. 

-----Time Skip-----

The class period ends. I feel someone slam their fist on my desk. I look up. It's (Y/N). "Katsuki let me make one thing very clear..." She says in a tone that is so calm it's terrifying. "I am NOT a little girl and I most definitely am NOT the girl that you used to push around when we are younger! You can try to break me all you want. But I have been broken so many times already there is nothing left to break. So trust me when I say that you aren't going to be able to push me around anymore, and I am way stronger than you will ever be, you will always be number 2 at best, because I am number 1," she says each word she said cutting me like knives, but after that she just walks away. Deku following close behind. Leaving the rest of us in udder shock. 


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Sorry I haven't been uploading! But I tried to make up for it with a longer chapter! I am going to continue to try to upload more so yeah we'll see how that works out!

See Ya,


AFTER ALL THESE YEAR'S YOU'RE BACK?!? (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now