Chapter 9

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Bakugo's POV 

I slowly open my eyes. Rubbing the sleep out of them. I sit up and realize I'm not at home.  "Umm (Y/N)?" I ask in kind of a sad voice. "Yeah?" She replies kind of confused. "Do you think I could stay at your place tonight?"  Then I remember everything that happened last night. "Right..." I say kinda quietly. I unplug my phone from the charger Firefly let me borrow and check the time. It's 8 am. I hear an alarm going off in the other room. Then (Y/N) walks out of her room, her (h/c) hair a little bit messy but not to bad, and she is wearing a tank top and shorts. "Good morning Suki." She says giving me a sleepy smile. "Good morning Firefly" I reply. She walks into the kitchen which is only separated from the living room, where I am, by a small divider wall with a window in it, though it doesn't have glass. "Hey, Suki? Do you want toast for breakfast?" She asks looking at me through the divider. "Sure!" I say smiling. She smiles and gives me a thumbs up. She puts four pieces of toast into the toast. While she waits for them to be done she pours two glasses of juice. Then the toast pops. She butters them and brings them over. I move over a little so she can sit down. She hands me a glass and a plate and sets hers on the table. We both start eating. "I was thinking about last night..." Oh no she isn't ever going to want to see me again she probably regrets telling me things, shit  "...and anytime you need an escape from your house whether it's overnight or not feel free to message me, I am always down to talk or hang out, and you can always stay here if you need to." She says smiling at me then taking a bite of her toast. "Thanks," I say smiling. Then we both sit there and finish our breakfast. We both throw on our uniforms and grab our school stuff. (Y/N) got in trouble a little for not wearing her uniform yesterday but they let it go because she is new and they knew she was in a rush. She also asked if she had to wear the skirt, they said that she can wear other bottoms but she had to wear the top, so being (Y/N) she challenged it. She is wearing ripped black skinny jeans, her sneakers, the normal white shirt tied up into a crop top, the tie loose and hanging really low around her neck and the jacket unbuttoned but still on her shoulders. She also put on a choker a chain necklace and a cuff bracelet on one wrist and a collection of other random bracelets on the other.  She notices me noticing her outfit. "Come on Suki, would I really be me if I didn't test the rules?" she says rolling her eyes and smirking a little. I just roll my eyes a little and smile. I fold the blankets and pick up the pillows and putting them in a neat pile on the couch. "Hey Firefly? Where do I put these?" I ask. "Oh, I got it." She says. She walks over and grabs them putting them back in the closet she got them from last night.  We look at the time, it's 8:45. We decide to leave for school a little early so we can take our time since (Y/N)'s apartment is approximately a 7-10 minute walk from the school. We grab our stuff and walk out of the building. We walk to school lightly chatting the entire way about basic school stuff such as homework, and classes. But we aren't talking as much as last night. Though I do think last night definitely brought us closer. 

Your POV

We arrive at school still talking. We run into Deku and Ura. "Hey (Y/N)!" They say waving. I see Suki drift away from me and he lightly waves at me. I guess at least for right now he doesn't want to act like friends at school.  I shrugged off the thought and I turn to my friends. "Good morning (Y/N)!" Ura says smiling at me. "Good morning Ura!" I reply She has started letting me call her that. We walk into school. "So (Y/N) how was your night? What did you do?" Deku asks. I probably shouldn't talk about the Bakugo part of it. "I went home and did homework then passed out. Super eventful I know." I say giggling a little. They both also had pretty similar nights to that. We get to the classroom and see Iida already sitting there. We say hi and ask him about his night and start chatting up a storm. Slowly other people trickle in I see Suki in the corner talking with Kirishima. Then Aziwa crawls in. "Good morning class, this afternoon we are going to do the exercise we were supposed to do yesterday so feel free to spend this morning training however you think is needed. The pool, gym, and outdoor training facilities are open for your use. Have fun." He says before he falls over and falls asleep almost instantly. Iida and Deku decide to go the outdoor track and Ura decides to go to the gym. I decided to find a secluded place to train so I don't have to worry about hurting anyone. I use my wind to fly me to the farthest away training area. It looks like a destroyed city but it is far enough away so I shouldn't hurt anything or anyone other than this area itself. I start practicing using my powers on the buildings. Then I see some explosions above me. Bakugo...but he seems to be carrying someone... They land a little bit away from me. I don't think they see me. "Ok, this area should be far enough away so I shouldn't have to worry about blowing important shit up," Suki says to someone. "Sounds good! Lets spar then!" I hear a familiar voice reply. It's Kirishima. I start hearing explosions. I guess they are sparing.  I fly to the top of a nearby building to watch. You would think Kiri would be outmatched but he is actually keeping up quite well, easily blocking the explosions and then attacking back. I think I may just watch how this plays out... After about 10 mins Bakugo pins Kiri to the ground. Time to make an entrance... I do a backflip off the building and land in front of them. I fire a small fireball at Bakugo hitting him off of Kiri and into a nearby wall.  "Well if it isn't Firefly," Bakugo says standing up. "Well if it isn't Suki," I say back sarcastically. Kirishima looks very confused but stands up. "Sorry hope you guys don't mind but I saw you guys fly in and I decide to watch your battle and I just wanted to say a good job. That was a really fun match to watch!" I say giggling a little. "It's fine! I'm glad it was a good match!" Kirishima says. "You guys interested in a 3-way battle?" I ask. "I'm down," Suki says plainly. "Sounds fun!" Kiri says. So we spar.

---Time Skip---

So Suki ends up winning but just barely. We all get up and shake hands. Then I check my phone. "It's time to go back, guys!" I tell them. "Ok," They both say. We all go back to school and go to our next class. 


Hey, so I wrote another chapter in the same night. I have been enjoying writing so I may write another tonight, but I know I will at least start one. Also sorry it the storyline ends up a little out of order from the original storyline but I am going to try and have most of the main storylines happen. 

See Ya


AFTER ALL THESE YEAR'S YOU'RE BACK?!? (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now