Chapter 7

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Bakugo's POV

We get outside. I see a bunch of small fires. In the middle lays (Y/N) in only her bra and underwear with terrible burns. I run over to her. "Omg.." Even just being near her I feel like I'm on fire from the heat she is radiating. "Deku! Put out the fires!" I tell him. He puts out the fires around us. I pick (Y/N) up bridal style. "Fuck!" The heat from her body starts burning me and leaving marks. "Kacchan are you ok she is burning you!?" Deku asks. "I'll be fine we need to get her to recovery girl she will know what to do! Make sure you put out any fires that start!" I say. Deku nods. We start running to Recovery girls office. We get there after like 5 mins. I run in and put (Y/N) on a bed, then collapse next to it from my burns. My shirt is almost completely burned off and my chest is covered in really bad burns. "Oh my god!! What happened to you guys!?!?!" Recovery girl asks concerned. Deku explains it but I am too busy with my thoughts to hear what he exactly said. She has to be ok! Why do I care so much? I am literally on the floor my chest covered in extremely bad burns and I'm worried about her! Why!?!?  I snap out of my thoughts from someone picking me up and setting me on the bed next to (Y/N)'s. I look up and see All Might. Then my mind realizes my pain again. It's getting worse and worse, guess that's how burns work when they are this bad. Next thing I know I pass out. 

3rd POV

Recovery girl examines Deku's burns and tells him to sit on the third bed next to Bakugo. Then she examines (Y/N) and Bakugo. She decides she can fully heal Deku and can only partially heal (Y/N) and Bakugo. 

Your POV

I slowly wake up, having to open my eyes slowly because of the bright lights. I realize I am in recovery girls office. I try to move and realize one that I am very sore and have some pretty bad burns and two that I am still just in my bra and underwear. I slowly sit up wincing in pain. I lean my back against the wall behind me. I look to my left and see Bakugo sitting up against the wall without a shirt and some pretty bad burns on his chest. "Ah, you're awake!" I hear a voice say. I look over and see recovery girl. "I should be able to heal both of you a little more at the end of the day and the rest of the healing you can do on your own. But you need to be more careful! You overused your power and you and both Bakugo and Izuku got hurt in the process, luckily Izuku is ok and I could fully heal him, but Katsuki, on the other hand, is pretty much in the same situation as you!" Recovery Girl lectures me. "I will try to be more careful I'm sorry. But can you fill me in fully on what happened? I don't remember Bakugo being there." I say confused. "You overused your power and gave Deku some serious burns. Then I ran into that stupid nerd and he said you needed help. So I carried you here." Bakugo says in a low voice. "Thank you for helping me but YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED CARRYING ME IN THAT STATE!!" I say to him very concerned. "It almost sounds like you care~," Bomb brain says with a smirk. "SAYS THE ONE WHO RISKED HIS LIFE FOR ME!" I yell back. "Tch" he turns back to his phone. "Also your hero course training activity was canceled this afternoon. It's an important exercise and with 3 of you to injured to participate they decided to move it to the day after tomorrow." Recovery Girls tells me. "Ok, thanks for the info!" I say smiling. "Can we go back to class or do we have to stay here?" I ask. " Let me wrap both your guy's bad burns then yes you can go back. But don't push yourselves too hard"  Recovery Girl says. She lends me a pair of girls gym shorts. They are kinda tight and go to about my mid thigh. They are mostly blue with a small red and white striped on each side. Then she has to wrap most of both of our chests and the burns are so bad we can't put a shirt I destroyed both our shirts... My bandages cover my boobs and about 3 inches below them, Bakugo's cover about the same amount of space but obviously, he doesn't have tits. But they are short enough that you can see his abs... WHY AM I NOTICING THIS!??!! We go back to class with a note from Recovery Girl to excuse our new clothing or rather lack thereof. We both walk into class. Mr. Aziawa is asleep on the floor so it's pretty much a free period. Almost immediately everyone crowds us. "Are you guys ok what happened?" Among other questions are being asked. Deku runs up and hugs me. " OMG IM SO GLAD YOU'RE OK!!" he says. He let's go and smiles at me. I see he also has a new shirt because I must have burned his other one. Though I see the shirt I was wearing is on my desk. He didn't take it back... "We are ok. I overused my power and hurt both Deku and Bakugo in the process but we are all ok now though I and angry boi here have to go back at the end of the day." I say informing the class. Then we all split into groups. Uraraka and Iida questioning me and Deku. Then the bell rings and it's time to go home...
Hey! Hope you guys like the story! If you have any suggestions or thoughts feel free to drop them!!

See ya

AFTER ALL THESE YEAR'S YOU'RE BACK?!? (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now