Chapter 21

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Your POV

We part from the hug. "Hey Suki I know that we should get to school on time and stuff but like can we get coffee first? I feel like after this we both need it!" I ask him. "Yeah, that sounds like a good plan!" He says chuckling a little. I smile. "Ok then let's grab our stuff!" We both grab our bags and phones and everything else we need for school. I turn off all the lights, we walk out the door and I lock it. We head downtown towards a nearby Starbucks. The entire way we are talking and are laughing. It's nice to be able to hang out with him without screaming. Even if he does get on my nerves a lot and he is a bomb for brains bastard, I still really care about him. We arrive at Starbucks and walk-in. I get (insert favorite Starbucks drink here) and Bakugo gets a regular black coffee. We pay the cashier and grab our drinks. Then we head to school. 

-----Time Skip-----

We arrive at school. Damn it's been a long morning! I pull out my phone and check the time. "FUCK CLASS STARTED 2 MINUTES AGO!" I scream in surprise. Me and Suki sprint to class. We open the door. Aizawa looks at us with a glare so scary I could have screamed. "Ms. (l/n) and Mr. Bakugo, you're late." He says his tone even scarier than the glare. "I-I'm so sorry!" I say stuttering from how scary he looks. "It's her fault she wanted to get coffee." I hear Bakugo say in a calm voice. BITCH! "YOU WANTED TO GET COFFEE TO BOMB BRAINS!" I yell at him. "YEAH BUT WHO WAS IT THAT SAID THEY DIDN'T CARE ABOUT GETTING TO CLASS ON TIME PYRO BITCH!" He yells back. "WE BOTH DID YOU SPIKY HAIRED IDIOT!!" I yell back at him. "Alright, I don't care anymore go sit down before I give you both detention!" Aizawa says. We both walk to our seats and sit down. Kiri is now back in his normal seat on the other side of me. So I'm back to sitting between Kiri and Bomb Brains. Kiri looks over at the two of us who still obviously being the hotheads we are and being mad at each other. He just giggles a little and shakes his head and goes back to paying attention to whatever Mr. Aziwa was talking about. I look towards the front of the room. "Ok class as I was telling you before. The sports festival is at the end of this week. We'll be focusing a lot on training and I expect you all to also train in your free time. That's all for now." Mr. Aziwa then promptly zips up a sleeping bag and falls over and almost instantly falls asleep. Where the fuck does he even keep that sleeping bag?!?!  Suddenly the class crowds me. "Omg (y/n)! You're ok!" "(y/n) how are you feeling?" "What exactly happened?" I get flooded with questions. Right the last time these guys saw me was probably when I was passed out in a hospital bed.  "Yeah, guys I'm fine now," I say trying to answer their questions rather quickly. "What exactly happened? All I know is that there was a big light and all of the villans were knocked out! Did you just get overpowered? Why did were you on the ground?" Mina asks really confused. "I don't know. After I got sent to the center of the fight I got overpowered and knocked out." I reply. I don't want them to worry about me and I don't want praise for it. I didn't even really do anything special. They don't need to know what happened. All that matters is that they are safe. "Oh okay," Mina says still confused as to what happened. I look over at hedgehog boy. He gives me a slightly pitying look. He knows what actually happened... I see Kiri standing next to him with a very similar look. Oh, I bet Suki told him...I really hope Kiri doesn't tell other people...  

-----Time Skip-----

School ends. I walk up to Suki and Kiri. "Hey (y/n) we are going to go train with Deku, Ura, and their crew. You wanna join?" Kiri asks. "Nah not today guys I'm exhausted. How about tomorrow?" I reply hoping they won't be too mad. "Yeah sounds good!" Kiri says smiling. They start walking away. "See ya later Firefly!" Suki shouts smiling. I smile back "See ya!" I yell back. I walk home to my apartment. I throw my backpack on the couch and walk to the kitchen. I cut up a apple and grab the peanut butter. I take them to the couch. I pull my school work out of my bag and work on my homework. 

-----Time Skip-----

I pull out my phone and check the time Fuck it's already 9 o'clock! I go to my room and grab a pair of red and black plaid pajama pants and a sports bra. I go to my bathroom. I turn on the shower. I strip to my underwear and bra. I look in the mirror. Will I become my parents?  I shake the thought from my head. I finish getting undressed and get in the shower. 

-----Time Skip-----

After about half a hour I get out. I throw on underwear a sports bra and my pajama pants. I brush my hair and quickly put it in two braids to help it not be to messy. I walk back out to the couch and clean up my stuff. I see a piece of fabric showing under the couch. I grab in and pick it up. It's one of Suki's shirts...I guess I'll put it in my room so I don't forget to give it back. I pick up my backpack. I carry both my bag and his shirt to my room. I set my bag down by the door and throw Suki's shirt on my bed. I turn off all the lights and lock the door. I crawl in bed and I plug in my phone. I lay down and pull the covers over me. I lay there for a few minutes. Fuck it's weird not having Suki here... I lay there for a few more minutes. I groan and grab my phone. I pull up me and Suki's text thread and start typing a message. Ughhhh what am I even doing!?!?  I groan angerly. I roll over and try to ignore how lonely I feel. I feel tears starting to whell up in my eyes. Fuck I miss him I hate feeling alone. I grab Suki's shirt from the end of my bed and cuddle up with it. It smells like him... I slowly drift into sleep

(Happening at the same time as above)

Bakugo's POV

I just got out of the shower and I climb into bed. Fuck it's feels weird that Firefly isn't here. I pull out my phone and start typing out a message. No this is stupid what the fuck am I doing?!?  I put my phone down and roll over. Fuck I miss her... 


Hey guys! Thank you guys so much for all the support on this story!! It means so much to me that you like it!! I would love to hear your suggestions for the story or my writting in general! Sorry I haven't been able to upload as often as I would like. Between school and writers block it's been hard. I will continue trying to upload as much as possible! Thanks for bareing with me!

See Ya Later


AFTER ALL THESE YEAR'S YOU'RE BACK?!? (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now