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10 years after...

“Good morning beautiful.” Ellard smiled sweetly at me. I smiled back then wriggled towards him. It’s still too early to get up anyway and I can go to the office late, I’m the president anyway. “How about...?” He trailed off then grinned suggestively at me.

“Let me think.” I looked down on his chest then bit my lips. I’m more than eager but...

“Mom! Elise scribbled on the wall again!” Niel, our son, shouted.

“Great.” I sighed in exhaustion. Let’s just say that within this week, I’ve already changed my wall for five times. I stood up and put on my robe then head outside with Ellard following me.

“Mommy!” Elise immediately run towards me then hugged me tight. “Can I go and play with Raziel?” She looked at me expectantly. She’s fond of the other girl. Raziel is Aisha’s youngest daughter.

“If you promise to never write on the wall again I might agree.” I said with an unsure face while Ellard kept on chuckling beside me.

“But scribbling is fun! There are so many colours! And my drawing is really great!” She whined. I looked at the wall and saw her scribbling. She’s right. It’s very colourful. She really likes colourful things.

“Then how about I gave you a room where you can scribble freely?” I’m willing to give in to their demands whole heartedly. I just can’t resist them.

“Then you’ll buy me paints too?” Her face immediately brightened up.

“If you promise not to transfer it in a milk bottle then put it in the fridge.” I grimaced. We all thought it was milk so we sort of drink it but the moment that it dropped on our tongue we spit all of it and it makes me want to puke again and again. Oh, God. Don’t think of ever doing that. It’s clearly suicide.

“Mom, I thought that we’re going over Seraphiel’s’s place?” Niel whined.

“Why are you so impatient kiddo?” Ellard chuckled as he went to him.

“I don’t want to play with girls. I might get some cooties.” He said disgustedly.

“Boy cooties are grosser.” Elise crinkled her nose in disgust. Before Niel can say something, she already ignored him then looked at me. “Mom? Can you buy me a cat that wears tutu?” She looked at me expectantly again.

“A what?” I gaped at her. A cat... that wears tutu? What kind of breed is that cat? A Ballerina? Oh, please.

“Come on, big man. Time to take a bath.” Ellard lifted Niel on his arms then winked at me before he went to the bathroom. I smiled at him then looked at Elise again.

“A cat that wears tutu.” She said slowly like she’s saying it to a baby.

“There’s no such thing, baby.” I squatted down then lifted her.

“Raziel has one!” She whined. “It even has a crown!” She looked at me with her puppy dog look.

“She doesn’t.” I said patiently.

“I saw it! I want it too!” She cried.

“Then go ask her where she got it.” I shifted her in my arms then started walking towards the bathroom.

“Raguel said that it doesn’t really wear a tutu but Raziel insisted. The cat looks like it’s enjoying the tutu though.” She frowned.

“Shouldn’t you listen to Raguel because she’s older?” I went to the bathroom and run the water to prepare her bath.

“But a cat wearing a tutu is very, very cute.” She clapped her hands.

I sighed. “I’ll ask them where they got it, is that okay with you?” Kids these days.

“Yaaay! I love you Mommy!” She hugged me tightly.

“I know. I love you too. Now, take your bath, okay?” She nodded then I went outside of the bathroom.

“Bye Daddy, Bye Mommy!” Elise waved at us before she get inside the house while Niel is already playing with Seraphiel outside.

“Now, where do you want to go?” Ellard grinned at me.

“Just so you know I have loads of work.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“I have work too.” He shrugged.

“If you just let me drive I’ll be there by a couple of minutes.” I grumbled. He always drives for me. The only time I get to drive is when he’s really busy or I sneak out.

“It’s Saturday.” He pointed out.

“And?” I raised one of my eyebrows at him.

“Let’s have a date.” He winked at me then started driving.

He parked the car in River Cafe. Great. Well, let’s just say that it brings back memories.

“What is this? Trip down to memory lane?” I chuckled as he took my hand in his.

“Not really.” He went straight towards the garden then sat on the bench. “Remember this place?” He looked around.

“Well, this is the place where you stole my first kiss.” I smiled at the memory.

“Did I?” He smirked.

“Oh, shut up.” I rolled my eyes at him.

He tugged my hand then patted the space beside him. “I’m really glad I’m your first though.”

I sat down then just looked at our entwined hands. He’s right. He’s my first. He made me happy and content and he gave me two little angels who always have war with each other but still...

“Can you promise me something?” He said suddenly that it made me looked at him.

“What?” I asked curiously.

“Promise me that I’ll be your first and last.” He said seriously.

I chuckled. “I promise.”

“And everything in between?” He smiled.

“I promise.” I laughed out loud.

He leaned down and gave me a sweet kiss. “Then how about my proposal earlier?” He grinned suggestively. Again. Well, I guess you already know what he’s talking about. He’s a pervert. Sort of. Only to me. Hands off to other ladies. He’s mine and only mine.

He made me realize things and he made me change my ways which is pretty hard considering my attitude but he did that. It doesn’t mean that if a boy hurts you, every one of them will do the same. There are so many guys out there. Or so his mom told me. But hell, I found mine, right? He’s the exception for all the rules that I’ve made. My first and last.

“Let me think about it.” My smile widened then I took his hand and went back towards to the car. Know what? This might be my favourite day. It’s a hard choice considering that everyday just turns better and better.


Yaay! Done. Well, I don't know if this will satisfy you. Thanks for the ones reading this though! Oh, Niesha, Ellard, Elise. and Niel will still be in my other stories. Angel Of Mine coming up next :)

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