Chapter 26

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“They won’t bite you.” Ellard said for the 5th time, I guess.

“But…” I protested.

“I won’t let anything happen to you. Understood?” I just nodded.

He brought me in the cafeteria. A table full of his friends. Not the in crowd though but they’re popular too but not because of their bitchness.

“Guys,” He grinned at the table and they all greeted him, some even smiled at me while some of the guys do that hug thingy. Ugh. I just don’t know what it’s called. I’m not a guy. “Well, I think you all know her, right?” They nodded. “Mind to introduce yourselves?” He crossed his arm and I stepped closer to him.

They all went to me, some almost pulled me into a hug but Ellard just laugh and shoo them away. The girls smiled at me and introduce themselves. I don’t remember all their names though. It’s a first time that I’ve been introduce in a whole table. I smiled forcefully at them; I think it appears like a grimace so I stop smiling.

“I’m starving.” Ellard groaned and he picked up some food from the table.

“Go get you own food, man.” A guy said. He grinned and took my hand then led me to the line.

“That isn’t so bad, was it?” He raised his eyebrow at me, a smile is tugging at his lips but he’s hiding it.

“They didn’t bit me so far.”

We get some food and we went back to the table. They were talking; the guys are making fun of something while the girls’ gossip. Sometimes, they would include me but I’m really not verbose when I just met a person so they would just talk again to each other.

“Niesha, are you still not done?” I heard Ellard knocking.

“Coming.” I shouted. I hurriedly finish fixing myself. Yeah, right. It takes at least 30 minutes for me to finish everything. That’s the least I could do. I hurriedly went out and grabbed my bag. I looked at him and smiled sweetly at him. He just smiled at me and shook his head.

“What?” I raise my eyebrow at him as I grab a Pop Tart. I started nibbling on it while walking.

“Do you even plan to go on school?” Adela appeared on the door and frowned at us.

“Yep.” I said, popping the p.

“Then what’s taking you so long?”

“Your brother’s a slow poke.” I bolted towards the door. He’ll be irritated.

Well, I’m not scared of going to school anymore. That… what’s that again? Well, that cataclysm. I don’t consider that as one anymore. It doesn’t have that same effect on me. Ellard won’t let anything happen to me. He already proved it, right? I don’t have it in me anymore to doubt him. I trust him and that’s that. I enjoy life. I know that’s a new thing. He changed me. It’s not his purpose but it’s for the better anyway. I feel more… alive?

I went inside my car and Adela went with me. I’m not paranoid anymore but Ellard insisted that I shouldn’t be left alone. I think he has a complex or something. I started driving and reach the school within minutes.

I went out of my car and looked at the building. This was the same white bricked wall building. The same school. Something’s change though.

“You plan to stand there the whole day?” Ellard said beside me. I looked at him and smiled.

“Just realizing some things.” I winked at him and went inside the building.

I smiled at the people who greeted me. Well, I’m not a snob anymore. Things change. People change. I don’t know what happened to me. At first, I push people away like they’re a hot coal or something. But as time goes by… No, scratch that. As I slowly recovered and stop being a paranoid, I start to let people in. Not in like they’re in too deep already but I let them in my life. Spending time with them, having small talk.

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