Chapter 8

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I drove and went home. I need to get some sleep. I’m doing things that I shouldn’t, have I gone daft? Shit. I hurriedly went inside the elevator and went straight to my bed room. I change into a camisole and boy shorts and tried to sleep but I can’t. My mind keeps on thinking about Ellard. I’m in deep shit, I know. What the hell? Why did I do that? I know I’ve been asking that even before I left school. God, I sooo hate my life.

If I let Ellard in, what will happen to me? What if I get use to him then he left? What will I do? What if he hurt me? I don’t love him yet but… what if he gets tired? He’ll find someone else, what will happen after that? What if we’re not meant to be? I don’t want to get hurt.

Ellard? He’s hot, outgoing, sweet…. Why am I thinking about his qualities? Ugh. Why is this shit happening to me? I don’t give a damn about love. So… what will I do about Ellard? I fell asleep with him in my mind.

I woke up at the sound of the doorbell. I groggily walk towards the door and see who it is. Ellard is standing there grinning sheepishly at me. He looks at me from head to toe then his eyes widened. I look at myself and realize that I’m wearing something so revealing. I blushed and close the door to his face. I almost run towards my bed room and grabbed a sweatpants then went to the bathroom, brush my teeth, brush my hair then went back to open the door. He still stood there with wide eyes. I coughed and snapped my fingers at him but he still looked like a statue. I pinch his nose then he blink at me.

“Ellard, what do you want?” I asked in an appalled voice.

“Bringing some food for you to eat?” He said it as if it’s a question as he showed the plastic he’s holding at me. I didn’t answer him. “Can I come in?” He asked. I opened the door wide so he can come in.

“You can sit there.” I pointed the couch to him when he stood by the door. He moves towards the couch as he handed me the bags. “Have you eaten?” I asked him. When he shook his head I immediately made a decision that I don’t know if I’ll regret. “Eat with me. C’mon.” I wave my hand at him. I close the door and went to the kitchen. He prepared the table as I set the food on the table. I sat on a chair and he sat beside me. We began eating in silence. “Thank you.” I said quietly as I looked at my food. I can see him angling his chair towards me and he move to face me.

“You’re always welcome.” I can hear the smile in his voice.

I put the plates in the dishwasher. I leaned on the counter while waiting for it the finish. Two hands appear in the field of my vision. Two arms encased me blocking my exit. I sighed and don’t know if I can move or not. “Ellard…” I was about to tell him to remove his hands as a loud gasp made me stop. He let me go and I turned to see who it was. Aisha and Zareb stood there gaping at us.

“We really should go.” Aisha said as she turns around and started for the door.

“Aisha, it’s not what you think.” I said defensively.

“You don’t have to explain, sweetie.” She winked at me and held Zareb’s hand.

“Don’t leave.” I cried.

“But…” Aisha started.

“It’s fine. We’re not doing anything.” Ellard raise his hands in the air. I looked at him and saw him checking Aisha out. Yeah, right. She’s married, pregnant and guys still check him out. No one can blame her. She’s unique and as hot as hell. She has a platinum hair, blue eyes and petite figure. Oh, and angelic face too. Zareb looked at me and I can saw the smile on his face. What the heck? I thought he should be jealous because someone’s checking Aisha out. He always did that anyway.

“Well, then we’re staying.” Zareb winked at me and we all went to the living room.

“Niesha, I’ll…” Ellard started but Aisha cut him off.

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