Chapter 9

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“Niesha, can I borrow your keys? Oh, and card key as well?” Aisha smiled sweetly at me.

“Uhm, sure?” I answered hesitantly. She walked over to me and opened her palm. I placed it on her hands then she walks back to where she sat. “Why?”

“I’ll need a duplicate key.” I always give her a spare key. That makes sense. “I’m kinda hungry. Do you have anything to eat?” She asked me.

“Yea. It’s all in the fridge. Want me to prepare something for you?”

“No, but can you prepare the rooftop? I want to eat there. Zareb and Adela will help me, right?” When the two nodded she continued. “Ellard, do you mind helping Niesha?”

“Not at all.” He smiled. Okaaay. I think something is wrong. Every one of us stood and went to do what we need to. I walk climbed the stairs to go to the balcony. Ellard trailed behind me.

“It’s getting cold here.” I sighed. I went to the table and started sweeping the dried leaves that fell on it. Ellard came and help me on the task. When we’re done we sat on the bench quietly. I hugged myself and rubbed my arms. It’s a cold night. He put his arms around my shoulder and took over the task. What’s taking them so long? I abruptly stood up and went to the door. It’s locked. What the fvck? I slam my hands on the door but it won’t even budge. I sighed and walked back to the bench. I sat and looked at Ellard. “They locked us out.” I shook my head. “Sorry.” I mumbled and slumped on the bench. Goosebumps are covering my skin. How come September nights is this cold? I rubbed my arm fiercely.

“Niesha?” I looked at him. “You’re cold.” He sighed. He stood up, sat on the floor with his legs apart. “Come here.” I shook my head at him. “Don’t be stubborn.” I stood up and walk. I stopped in front of him. He held my hand and gently tugged it. I shook my head at him again. “It’s fine.” He tugged my again and I complied. He made me sat between his legs and he put his arms around my waist. Fvck.

“Ellard, you’re too close.” I said uncomfortably.

“But you’re cold, Niesha.” He took my hand. “You’re freezing.” He rubbed my hands with his. He put his chin on my shoulder. I can feel his breath on my neck, it’s giving me goosebumps.

“Ellard, please.” I pleaded. I can’t stand his closeness.

“Niesha, just this night. I won’t do it again.”

“Promise me.”

“I thought you never believe in promises.”

“Just promise, damn it.”

He sighed. “I can’t.” He shook his head.


“I love holding you close to me.” He whispered. I don’t know what to say to him so I just stayed silent. “I love you.” He said in a gruff tone of voice, it’s so low I’m not even sure if he meant to say it to me. I almost stood abruptly. Almost but not quite because he tightened his arms around me. “Just this night. Promise me you won’t have your shields around me tonight. Please.” He pleaded. I can see the anguish on his face. I flinched. Can I really do this? I can. For him. Just this night.

“Just this night. Tomorrow I won’t talk to you again. I mean it.” I sighed and lean on him. I need his warmth in this cold night. He angled his knees up as I straighten my legs.

“Why can’t you?”

“Why can’t I what?” I asked him.

“Why can’t you like me?”

“I…” His phone suddenly rang.

“Ignore it.”

“No, answer it.”

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