Chapter 33

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“It’s new year tomorrow. Are you sure we can go there?”

“Maybe?” I look at him confusedly. “Then what about Vermont?”

“You know how to ski?” He gapes at me.

“No, that’s why I’m asking you.” I frown at him.

“Oh, do you really want to go there?”

“Will you teach me?” I raise my eyebrow at him.




“How about Adela?” We can’t just leave her, can we?

“Oh,” He stared into me.

“Uhhh… I have an idea.” I dialed Aisha’s number.

“Hi, baby doll.” She chirps.

“Hey, ummm… I was wondering if you can let Adela stay at your place.” I chew on my lip.


“Well, Ellard and I won’t be around for a couple of days and we can’t just let her wander around, can we?”

“Right. Sure.”

“Thanks.” I smile.

“No problem. Good luck.”

“W-What?” My eyes widen slightly. What is she talking about? Good luck?

“Never mind. Bye.” She hangs up.

“Let’s pack our bags.” Skiing. Well, I don’t know how but somebody can teach me right? I’ve always wanted to go there anyway.

“Where in Vermont?” Ellard asks while driving.

“Uhhh… Smuggler’s Notch?” I say in a not sure voice. I just heard some of them talking about it.

“Good choice.” We immediately pack our things and headed off to Vermont. It’s a 6 hours’ drive.

“Ummm…” I look at him while driving. Now that I’m with him in this car, I notice that the last time I drove was a month ago. He always drives for me. What? Is he my chauffeur now? I don’t want that.

“What?” He looks at me then returns his eyes on the road.

“If you get tired, I can drive.” I shrug.

“I’m totally fine.” He smiles at me.

“Now, I’m feeling guilty.” I bit my lip.

“What? Why?” He looks curiously at me.

“It’s your first new year in New York and I took you away. The count down in Times Square is a sight that you should really see.” I frown.

“What’s with Times Square?”

“There’s a ball that goes down from a pole. Fireworks. You name it.” I smile at the memory. I’ve only watch it for one time but what I saw? Well, it really did an impression in my mind.

“How can I enjoy that without you, anyway?” He mumbled incoherently. I’m not really sure if what I heard was what he really said.

When we reach the place, without me driving, it’s already 5 in the evening. So much for the 6 hours’ drive. His body must hurt like hell.

“Can we have a room for two?” I ask the person on the front desk.

“We only have one bedroom left.” She said while checking on the computer.

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