Chapter 1

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AN: So I wrote this almost a year and a half ago.. and then the file got lost in my computer :( I found it now and didn't want to just let it sit there. So i decided to post it. :)

It doesn't really have a specific plot to it, but its full of Caskett goodness :) if i manage to think of a plot to add to it, i'll make the story longer :)
enjoy :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Castle

Chapter 1

Kate knew it was time.

After all those months of appointments with the doctor, ultra sounds, aches, mood swings, cravings, and driving castle crazy. It was finally time.

9 months. And she didn't want to have to wait a minute longer...

She lightly taped castles chest, "Castle? Rick, wake up"

he shifted a little and mumbled something incoherent in his sleep. She rolled her eyes and taped him again; This time he opened his eyes, and saw his favourite pair of green eyes staring back at him.

And all she had to say was,
"I think it's time" and he was up from the bed, getting dressed as quickly as possible, he helped her get dressed too, and held her hand and helped her downstairs, and out the loft.

On their way in the car, he held her hand, to help her get through the contraction that started in the middle of the drive to the hospital. He managed to call Alexis, Martha, both of whom said they would be there ASAP.

And after all of that, and painful contractions later, here she was, with her doctor siting between her legs, urging her to push.

Castle had his one arm around her, and the other, squeezed in one of her own. he'd bet she may have cracked a bone in his fingers by the way she held on so tight, but he really didn't mind, she was in horrible pain, and if he had to lose a finger to help her get through sum of that pain, then that's exactly what he was going to do.

He couldn't help but flash back to the day he was here with Meredith… the day he looked in to the eyes of his first new-born daughter, and his life had changed in that moment.

Of course, today was different. Today, he was here with his wife Kate, and they were about to see the fruit of their love soon. The same love that has been 6 and half years in the making... And he was more than just excited.

He was brought back from his reverie with the sound of a loud cry from Kate, followed by the soft little cry of their new born infant.

He looked to the doctor, who immediately looked up to him and Kate and said "she's a real beauty"

the smile that broke on to Castle's face was like a kid on Christmas morning. He looked at his wife, and she was still panting but it was mixed with tiredness and with joy.

She smiled, and he leaned in to kiss her sweet lips and said "I told you we'd have a girl"

she quickly replied 'well, at least she won't be a redhead"

He laughed. He wanted so badly to go after the nurse who took his little baby away, he was just about to move away from Kate, when the doctor asked her, are you ready to go again, and she replied,

"hell yea, he's getting lonely in there."

And suddenly Castle didn't want to be anywhere other than beside his wife. He held her again, kissed her temple softly and said "then lets change that, shall we?"

and then it began again, the pushing, and screaming, and hand clutching. Watching Kate was making him fall more and more in love with her. And he actually thought he couldn't fall harder for her before this.

He heard that little sound of a tiny cry again, and his heart melted.

He wanted to cry. He was now a father of a beautiful pair of twins, Kate just made him a father again.

"Looks like you've got yourself a son, Mr and Mrs Castle."

And he heard Kate chuckle, he looked at her, all flustered, and sweaty, and he said the first thing that came to his mind.

"you beautiful thing, you're extraordinary you know that?"

he kissed her then, not being able to resist any longer, she whispered to his lips
"so I've been told"

he kissed her again, longer this time, and she pushed him away a little and said
"Castle, Where are they? I want to see my babies"

"Our babies" he corrected, and she laughed.

He was just about to leave to find the nurses who took his boy and girl to clean them up, when two nurses entered, cradling a pink and blue bundle in their arms.

Kate immediately sat up straighter and reached for her little ones eagerly waiting to hold them in her arms after 9 months of nurturing them inside her womb.

The nurse laid both of them on either of her arms. They say it's necessary for the babies to be held by their mother soon after birth, it's so that the babies feel the warmth and love they shared with her through the 9 months in her womb.

Castle couldn't take his eyes off of her.

There, holding their twins, she had love overflowing from her eyes for them, and Castle didn't want to interrupt that little mother- son and daughter moment they were having.

What was he thinking all this time? Of course he could fall more in love with Katherine Castle. All it took was for her to bear his children, and to complete his family.

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