Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

"Sleep now Jo, you must be tired." Castle said.

"I am"

he kissed her once again and whispered

"I hope you forgive me for the horrible dad I've been"

"You've never been horrible. You care so much"

"You're beautiful, you know that, just as beautiful as your mom, and I could never take the men that tried to flirt with your mom when we were on a case"

Jo laughed. Yea, she's told us the stories.

"Maybe that's why I find it hard to accept the guys that you want to date"

"I'm not giving my heart to just any one. At least not anytime soon. It's worth too much"

He smiled. "I love you"

"I love you too dad"

Castle then got up "You'll have to excuse me now; I got to go find your mom and show her how much I love her"

"Ewwww. TMI dad! How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Right right. Sorry" he laughed. And he said goodnight to her on his way out.

He pushed Nate's door open to find him lying on his bed, all showered and shirtless, trying to sleep.

"You asleep?"

"Hey dad, needed something?"

"Just wanted to tell you I would have done the same thing you did. So don't be disheartened by what your mom may have told you"

Nate laughed. "Thanks dad"

"Love you son, goodnight"

"Night dad" and Castle closed the door behind him.

He then went towards Becky's room; sure that he'd find Kate there putting her to sleep.

Nate heard another knock on the door an hour later. And he wondered who it could be, cause he knew everyone would be in bed by now.

"Nate, it's me"

It was Jo.

"Come in" He quickly sat up. "Everything alright?"

"I'll survive. However, I'm not too sure about you" she raised an eyebrow, signalling his little injury. He laughed.

She came to him and sat beside him on the bed.

"I came to tell you two things"


"I'm sorry… I was really out of line earlier when I made that comment about you and Leila. The truth is, I really think you guys are great together, and whatever I said was a result of anger towards the situation"

"I understand, don't worry"

"So we're good?"

"We always are"

she quickly put her arms around him and hugged her brother tight. And while still hugging him she spoke.

"Thank you, for going back and giving him what he deserved"

Nate chuckled. "Anything for you."

When she pulled away they were both smiling at each other.

"Sleep well" she said before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

And in both their minds the same thought travelled through "No siblings could understand each other better than twins."

In Becky's room, Kate had just tucked her sleeping daughter in and had kissed her goodnight, when she felt Castle standing behind her.

She turned around and he kissed her, fervently. She pulled away after a good few seconds

"Castle! That was..."

"That was for being such an awesome mother"

"well in that case…" She linked her arms tight around his neck, got onto her toes and kissed him for all he was worth. His arms wound tight around her. And when she pulled away she said "For being an extraordinary father"

"Hmmm..." he hummed. And then he put his forehead to hers and said.

"I've kept a bag in the bathroom downstairs. I want you to wear what's inside it and wait for me in bed. I'm going to kiss Becky goodnight and then switch the house lights off and come to you. And then I'm going to make love to you all night. Is that alright with you?"

"Sounds like a perfect plan" she smiled that smile that his lips couldn't resist. So he kissed her again and when she turned to walk away, he lightly patted her butt and she turned to give him a teasing wink. After she was gone, he leaned down and lightly traced the skin of his 4 year olds cheek. And then he kissed her head and spoke

"You're my angel, you know that? I promise I won't trouble you as much as I did your two elder sisters." And he meant it

and the little girl smiled in her sleep.

The End.

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